Two Bean Teens Arrested for Fatally Shooting 17-Year-Old White Kid

Could it have been a drug deal gone wrong?

Or did the two coloreds just feel like killing a white kid that day?

Rapid City Journal:

Two Rapid City men were arrested Wednesday morning in the shooting death Tuesday night of a Box Elder teenager.

Cole Waters and Andre Martinez, both 19-year-olds from Rapid City, are each charged with first-degree murder, conspiracy to commit a felony and attempts to commit crime, according to the Pennington County Jail website.

Emmanuel Hinton, 17, died after being shot around 8 p.m. Tuesday in the 700 block of Blaine Avenue, the Rapid City Police Police Department said in a news release.

The shooting was reported around 8 p.m. by a person driving Hinton to the hospital, the release says. Hinton died around 10:30 p.m., spokesman Brendyn Medina said.

Police said that Hinton and the driver made contact with two men in the alley while in their car, and one of the men they met shot Hinton with a handgun, the press release says. The driver immediately took Hinton to the hospital while the suspects fled on foot.

Waters turned himself in Wednesday morning while Martinez was arrested at his home after a brief deployment of the Rapid City-Pennington County Special Response Team, the release says.

Emmanuel Hinton.