Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Nimrata “Nikki Haley” Randhawa are arguing on Twitter about your life and future.
AOC started with a stupid tweet claiming that people have to be locked in their houses and paid by the government because of the deadly virus.
To get the virus under control, we need to pay people to stay home.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) November 19, 2020
Randhawa responded with perhaps the worst thing I’ve ever seen. She’s talking about the budget.
AOC, Are you suggesting you want to pay people to stay home from the money you take by defunding the police? Or was that for the student debts you wanted to pay off, the Green New Deal or Medicare for All? #WhereIsTheMoney https://t.co/wZxxz67wcv
— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) November 19, 2020
She used the hashtag #WhereIsTheMoney.
This is after her own people in the Republican Party went along with this program to completely destroy our economy. The government forced small businesses to close, completely destroying people’s lives. I don’t know where the money is, but someone is going to have to find it.
AOC is right that the GOP could find money to send to Jewish banksters.
Nikki, I’m suggesting Republicans find the spine to stand up to their corporate donors & vote for the same measures they did in March, except without the Wall St bailout this time.
And I know you’re confused abt actual governance but police budgets are municipal, not federal. https://t.co/GCyUagbruG
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) November 19, 2020
Nikki Haley obviously doesn’t write her own tweets. Attacking AOC is an easy jab for her managers to get points with moronic boomers. Haley wants to be the 2024 GOP nominee, and she’s been told: “just make everything about fiscal conservatism again.”
There are literally boomers who have been so damaged by this democracy system that “oh yeah? Well we’ve got our own sassy brown woman, and she’s got double the sass of your sassy brown woman!” makes sense to them. However, I think that the GOP overestimates the total number of these individuals.
Well, no dice. Fiscal conservatism doesn’t exist and hasn’t for a long time. The Republicans wanted a massive government as much as the Democrats did, and that’s where we are now and we just have to deal with it.
But on the other side – AOC is arguing for a total lockdown, which is obviously just going to destroy even more small businesses and drive the country even further into debt. Haley is right that the money doesn’t exist for this, but where was she when the lockdown began? Now everyone’s business is destroyed, someone is going to have to find some money.
These things are all true:
- These lockdowns are insane
- The government has already forcibly destroyed every small business
- Republicans went along with destroying these businesses
- Republicans are now saying, basically accurately, that the government can’t afford to pay for the damage the government caused
- Republicans are now smugly acting like it is socialism for the government to help you financially after the government forcibly destroyed your livelihood
- The government is printing money so that the population doesn’t know the economy has collapsed
- The government can’t print money like this indefinitely
- The entire middle class has already been wiped out, they just don’t know it yet
- The government is going to have to deal with this in some way
- The government’s solution is already to create a bizarre new form of communism, where a corporate elite rule over a pitiful mass of peasants
- Someone needs to fix this shit
Two idiotic and disgusting brown women shilling two sides of the same deranged Jewish agenda is the microcosm of Western civilization.
Why are these bimbos in my country?
If it’s now their country, can I have a different country, somewhere away from these brown people who are ruining my life?