UK: ‘Asian’ Child Rapists Declared “Not Racist” Because Victims were White

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 7, 2017

As I reported previously, an English lawyer was demanding these disgusting savages be tried for hate crimes – which would carry a higher sentence – because their targets were White girls.

Of course, that would never happen. This only serves to further prove that hate laws are only in place to aid in White genocide.


The Attorney General is to review the jail sentences of an Asian grooming gang after a judge ruled the exploitation of white girls was not racially motivated. The judge’s decision meant stiffer penalties for racially aggravated crimes could not be applied in the case of the Newcastle-based sex ring. Judge Penny Moreland said the gang picked out their victims “not because of their race, but because they were young, impressionable, naive and vulnerable”.

Prosecutor John Elvidge told Newcastle Crown Court the victims were “white, British and female” and the defendants were “of Asian extraction” but insisted there was no direct evidence race had played a part in the gang’s process for selecting the girls.

Lord Macdonald, the former Director of Public Prosecutions, said he was in no doubt that “aspects of the case are profoundly racist”. Lord Macdonald said: “They would certainly get stiffer sentences if the offending is racially aggravated.”

Mike Penning, a Conservative MP and former justice minister, said: “I have asked the Attorney General to look into this case. This looks racially motivated based on the evidence.

“I don’t understand the judge’s ruling that this cannot be racially motivated.”

In a previous case, linked to the gang, one member expressed his contempt for white women when he was challenged by a ticket inspector on the Tyne and Wear Metro. Badrul Hussain, 37, who was convicted of drug offences but cleared of inciting prostitution, told her: “All white women are good for one thing, for men like me to f*** and use as trash, that is all women like you are worth.”

The case has clear similarities with sex grooming scandals involving predominantly Asian men abusing white females in towns including Rotherham and Rochdale.

The latest court case led to the forced resignation of Sarah Champion, the Labour MP for Rotherham as the party’s shadow secretary of state for women and equalities, after wrote an article in The Sun newspaper warning that more must be done to stop gangs of Pakistani men targeting young girls for sex.

Let me ask you this: if a group of White guys started raping young non-White girls in massive child sex operations would that be called a hate crime?

I would argue that it would be.