UK: “British” Teenage Girl Arrested for Plotting Grenade Attack

Daily Stormer
July 28, 2017

Look goyim – they’re waving the British flag! Therefore, they’re just as British as the Queen, if not more so. If you think a nation is more than dirt and a flag, you are driven by hatred for the color of the skin.

Look – this is a very simple idea, and I don’t understand how you Nazis can be so stupid that you can’t grasp it, so I’ll explain in the simplest terms – If I were born in Britain, I’d be an Englishman. If I were born in a stable, I’d be a horse. If I were born in Antarctica, I’d be a penguin.

tfw a Syrian refugee from Somalia is born in Antarctica.

Why is this so complicated? Why can’t you filthy inbred White-trash Nazis understand that where you’re born determines your genetic make-up? It’s probably because you’ve never had Sociology classes in college with Professor Shlomo, he would’ve made right-thinking people out of you toothless cousin-fuckers.


A 17-year-old British girl of Moroccan heritage allegedly married an Islamic State fighter online and prepared to receive arms from the terror group for an attack in the UK.

OH MY GOD! These neo-Nazis from Breitbart actually implied that being a Moroccan makes you somehow different from all the other British social constructs! HATRED FOR THE SKIN! IN CURRENT YEAR! I CAN’T EVEN!


The teenager arranged to “receive weapons in order to conduct an attack in the UK”, as well as, “instructions on how train and use weapons” and “assistance in completing [the] plan”, police said in a statement.

The girl, from Coventry, and her Syria-based ‘husband’ married on Skype and the weapons she plotted to obtain included hand grenades and a firearm, Sky News reports.

Wait, you can get married on Skype now?

I guess they’re adding features to try and compete with Discord, the new best ever chat and VoIP app.

Westminster Magistrates’ Court heard how she had planned to travel to Syria in August last year. When her plan was thwarted, however, she married the militant via the online calling service in September.

According to the Guardian, the girl was of Moroccan heritage and her Islamic State ‘husband’ is now believed to be dead, killed in a drone strike in April.

“Look your honor, she was just distraught by the loss of her beloved husband, who was killed by racist imperialists, so you can’t punish her because her feels weren’t in order. She’s really a good girl who dindu nuffin.”

Her lawyer, Vajahat Sharif, reportedly indicated she would plead not guilty to the terror offenses she is charged with. Wearing a Nike tracksuit, she only spoke to confirm her name and age in court.

District Judge Tan Ikram remanded her in custody to appear at the Old Bailey on the 11th of August, when she will also appear there in relation to another terror offense she was previously charged with.

Glad to see Britain’s judiciary has gotten so diverse lately.

Last week, Metropolitan Police commissioner Cressida Dick said: “Six attack planning plots were thwarted in the last four months alone, and we can expect that figure to rise.”

Some racists will try to point out that the number of attacks rises in proportion with the number of diversity, but that’s just bullshit because we’re all the same, and the only rational explanation for terrorism is poverty and racism and lack of education.

And only 2% of terrorist attacks in Europe are religion-related anyway. The rest are…  I dunno, probably workplace violence or something.