UK: “Conservative” Government to Break Another Immigration Record This Year

This is from 5 months ago

Remember in 2015, when “record immigration” was a big topic of discussion?

Well, things are much worse now. By a lot. And somehow, the media doesn’t even mention it.

The conservative media is mostly focused on trannies and photographs of Hunter Biden’s huge penis.


Net immigration into the UK is set to once again rise to a record high in 2023, experts in the field have said.

Speaking to a major UK newspaper, immigration experts have predicted that net immigration into the UK will rise to an all-time high figure of around 675,000 in 2023, surpassing the previous record of slightly over 500,000 set last year.

The predicted 2023 figure is set to be over twice that of the highest record set before Britain left the European Union, with the ruling Conservative Party using Brexit as an opportunity to rapidly increase the number of migrants coming to the country.

According to a report by The Telegraph, liberalised immigration laws are to blame for the massive spike in arrivals, with lax rules surrounding student visas as well as the government’s decision to hand out tens of thousands of foreign nationals the status of an asylum seeker or refugee bolstering the country’s yearly intake.

Over 180,000 humanitarian visas have reportedly been issued by authorities to Ukrainians, Afghans and Hong Kongers, with tens of thousands more arriving in the country illegally by crossing the English Channel in small boats.


I forgot they were issuing all those visas to Hong Kongese, saying they don’t have enough freedom.