UK Government Blocks Extremist Scottish Tranny Law

The Scots are too gay even for the English.

That is saying a lot, because hitherto it was believed that the English are the single gayest bunch of faggots on earth, at least outside of America.

But they’re looking at the Scots and being like “whoa, you faggots are way too gay, nigga. Dial that gay shit back a notch, nigga, you about to become an anal singularity, nigga, it’s too gay nigga just chill nigga like nigga we doing double anal down here in London but nigga if you trying triple anal like how you gonna do it like where them niggas legs gonna go nigga you can’t fit three dicks in your ass nigga chill.”

Of course that nasty cunt who runs Scotland is like “oh no, my friend – we’re doing triple anal and you will never stop us.”


Scotland’s leader said Tuesday she will take the British government to court over its decision to block a Scottish law that makes it easier for people to change their gender on official documents.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the Conservative U.K. government was making a “profound mistake” by vetoing the Gender Recognition Reform Bill passed by the Scottish parliament last month.

“It will inevitably end up in court,” Sturgeon told the BBC. “The Scottish government will vigorously defend this legislation.”

Vigorous thrusting for gay rights, lol.

I hate women so much.

Hailed as a landmark by transgender rights activists, the bill would allow people age 16 or older in Scotland to change the gender designation on their identity documents by self-declaration, removing the need for a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria.

It would also cut the time trans people must live in a different expressed gender before the change is legally recognized, from two years to three months for adults and to six months for people ages 16 and 17.

It’s still too long of a waiting period.

If I didn’t think I wanted to go to the high school girls’ locker room gym and jack off, but then I get a serious urge to do so, I simply should not have to wait two months. Try about maybe two minutes and I can maybe tolerate it.

The legislation sets Scotland apart from the rest of the United Kingdom, where a medical diagnosis is needed before individuals can transition for legal purposes.

The British government used a rarely invoked power on Monday to block the law on the grounds that it could undermine U.K.-wide equality legislation that guarantees women and girls access to single-sex spaces such as changing rooms and shelters.

Women do not deserve rights.

They deserve to have incels burst into their changing rooms and shelters and start jacking off in their faces.

They created this hell we live in and now they must deal with the consequences.

Opponents of the bill have argued that gender self-recognition could allow predatory men to gain access to spaces intended for women, a claim dismissed as scaremongering by supporters of the legislation.

Alister Jack, the U.K. government minister responsible for Scotland, said the government was concerned about “adverse effects” on “single-sex clubs, associations and schools, and protections such as equal pay.”

“The bill also risks creating significant complications from having two different gender recognition regimes in the U.K. and allowing more fraudulent or bad faith applications,” he told lawmakers.

But seriously though – what is supposed to be the point of this?

I get that this bitch in charge of Scotland wants to jump around grandstanding like “I AM THE MOST MORAL OF ALL.” But what does a normal person think when the government says “it is imperative that we get faster trannies”?

Normal people, apparently, just don’t even think at all.

The only reason there is any pushback on this particular law is that two protected groups – trannies and stupid, annoying bitches – are coming into conflict.

If a white man says “I don’t want my son to cut his dick off,” he has to go to jail.