UK Government Told Cops and Prosecutors to Crack Down on People Protesting Israeli Arms Factory

The British media might be a lot more honest about what is going on in the Middle East than their American counterpart, but the UK, being a vassal of the US, is still totally dominated by the Jews.

It’s ridiculous.

The Guardian:

Internal government documents show that Home Office ministers and staff tried to influence police and prosecutors to crack down on activists targeting the UK factories of an Israeli arms manufacturer, campaigners have claimed.

Briefing notes, obtained through freedom of information (FoI) requests by Palestine Action, show details of government meetings, predating the 7 October Hamas attacks and Israel’s response in Gaza, intended to “reassure” Elbit Systems UK, an Israeli arms manufacturer, which is subject to a direct action campaign by the campaign group.

Tim Crosland, a coordinator of Defend Our Juries, which claims that jurors’ absolute right to acquit a defendant according to their conscience is being eroded by judges placing limits on what defendants can say about their motivations, said: “These disclosures, despite the extensive redaction, are the smoking gun on what has been obvious for a while: the government has been trying to put a stop to juries acquitting those who expose and resist corporate complicity in violations of international law and mass loss of life.

Such political interference is a national scandal that goes right to the top – the corruption of democracy and the rule of law by those with wealth and power.”

A private secretary note dated 2 March 2022 for a meeting between the then home secretary, Priti Patel, and Martin Fausset, the chief executive of Elbit Systems UK, said: “Palestine Action’s criminal activity is for the police to investigate and though they are operationally independent of government meaning we cannot direct their response, my officials have been in contact with the police about PA.”

A spokesperson for Palestine Action said the manifestations of independence were contradicted within the same sentences in which they were made.

What’s going on behind closed doors demonstrates clear evidence of collusion between government, a foreign private arms manufacturer, the CPS, the Attorney General’s Office and the police,” they said. “This clear abuse of power shows how the state is prioritising the interests of Elbit Systems over the rights and freedoms of its own citizens.”

Yeah, well.

Jews need bombs to kill children.

Someone has to help them, because of the Holocaust.