UK: Government Withdraws 2 Million Pound Grant to Mosque Because Imam Does Actual Islam

Can anyone really argue that things would be worse in the UK if Moslems were enforcing Sharia Law?

Is there even a single thing that would be worse?

Inb4 “pork and alcohol” – Christians are allowed to eat pork and drink alcohol under Sharia law, they just have to pay extra taxes. The taxes, however, would definitely be lower than what people are paying now.

What would be worse?


The payment of a £2m government grant to build youth facilities at a mosque in Birmingham has been suspended.

It follows allegations of extremism and hate speech at the Green Lane Masjid and Community Centre, which are being investigated.

The mosque said a 25-second video clip, posted on social media last week, was taken from a lecture from 2021, with the intention of being misleading.

Considering what women do when given any level of freedom at all – is this really so bad?

It said it rejected violent extremism and hate crime.

It also said it actively encouraged respect and tolerance between communities.

It said Social Investment Business, which manages the fund, had paused the distribution of the grant and was investigating the recent allegations.

At this point, I can’t think of anything better that the UK government could be spending money on than Islamic children’s instruction about the need to kill sluts.

Doing anything for white people is always off the table.

Brits are a minority in Birmingham. Shouldn’t that be a bigger concern?