UK: Labour Party in Oldham Blocks Investigation Into Paki “Grooming” Gangs

Mexicans who get underage Mexican females pregnant are a problem for white people, and we have to force them to have abortions.

See: Mexican Mother of 10-Year-Old Who had an Abortion Defends “Rapist” Won’t Press Charges

But if the brown people are targeting underage white girls in their sex schemes, then it’s illegal to investigate it.


The local Labour Party-run council in Oldham rejected a motion to launch a public inquiry into the grooming gang sexual exploitation of children and the failures of local officials and police to protect them.

Following the release of a report on child sexual exploitation (CSE) in Oldham last month, which found that girls were failed by the very social services meant to protect them and failings among the local police and council, the Failsworth Independent Group (FIP) of local councillors introduced a motion to petition the government to establish an independent public inquiry into the failings.

The left-wing Labour Party introduced an amendment to strip the call for a public inquiry, neutering the motion, sparking fury from local observers of the town hall meeting, some of whom shouted “paedophile protesters” at the councillors, according to footage posted on social media. Due to the overwhelming majority they hold on the body, Labour was able to pass the amendment despite all members of the Failsworth Independents, Conservatives, and Liberal Democrats voting in opposition, the Manchester Evening News reported.

Conservative councillor Robert Barnes called the move a “travesty” and that it was “the night that democracy died in Oldham”.

Councillor Brian Hobin, from Failsworth Independents, said: “We can’t move on. Multiple failings have happened – general apologies; no good.

“We need a public inquiry, an independent one to tell us who failed and why, to tell us who knew and why and who did nothing about it and why.”

The Labour Party argue that instead of establishing an independent inquiry, funds should be directed to the ongoing police investigation into historical child sex abuse, Operation Sherwood.

The demands for an independent inquiry follow a report last month that found that a 12-year-old girl was raped multiple times by multiple men, yet was local authorities and police missed various opportunities to protect her from her abusers. The report went on to note that police had failed to inform the local council leaders that it had employed Rochdale grooming gang leader Shabir Ahmed as a welfare officer for a year, despite having knowledge of allegations of sexual abuse against him.

The local council was also accused of enabling the grooming gangs through the issuance of taxi driver’s licenses to men convicted of sexual crimes against women and children. Taxis have repeatedly been identified as a means by which Asian grooming gangs abused young girls, as they allowed them to lure the girls away from sight.

Oldham council leader Amanda Chadderton, who introduced the amendment to block a public inquiry, argued that she did so “not because we don’t understand the level of concern Oldhamers feel about this issue, but it is because we want to take action.

Oldham council is made up mostly of women and Moslems

“We want to see improvements for children and young people and see the people that committed these disgusting crimes brought to justice,” she added, saying that Labour has called for additional funding for victims of grooming gangs.

“The original motion doesn’t explain what benefit at all a public inquiry would have, either providing improvements to our assurance for today’s children and young people or seeking justice for historic victims of abuse,” Chadderton said.

I’ve made it clear that I’m tired of these girls that join these Pakistani drug gangs as junkie hookers being portrayed as “victims.”

See: Yes, The White Girls Involved with Pakistani Drug Gangs are “Guilty” and Should be Punished

But I think we can all agree that middle school-aged girls becoming junkie hookers for Pakistani drug gangs is a negative social phenomenon. I think the girls should be punished, but the Pakis need to be punished and deported.

The government saying “we’re not even going to investigate this at all” is really beyond the pale.

The Moslems get investigated for doing female circumcision on their own daughters.

How do people tolerate this?