UK: Moslem on a “Small Bike” Attacks and Robs Man on Street

Imagine getting BTFO’d by a little Paki riding a kiddie’s bike.

I’d be too ashamed to report such a thing to the police.

The Royal Borough Observer:

A brutal attack in Trelawney Avenue, Slough left a man unconscious after he was punched several times in the head.

The 54-year-old was attacked outside Holy Trinity Catholic Church between 7pm and 8pm on Wednesday. His attacker stole a smart phone and reading glasses from the victim.

The offender is described as being an Asian or North African man, approximately 5ft 6ins, and in his early to mid-thirties, slim, with short hair.

He was riding a small bike, initially described as a child’s bike and after the incident he went into the nearby Co Op.

The victim sustained a potential broken jaw and cuts to his face which have required stitches.