Since Jewish politicians opened its borders to the Third World, the United Kingdom has enjoyed some of the finest cultural enrichment in Europe.
Whether it’s Pakistani gangs committing acts of brutal vibrancy on white children or Moslem terrorists delivering explosive encores at packed concerts, cultural enrichment has become part and parcel of life in modern Britain – and the judicial system loves it.
The system loves it so much, in fact, that it ensures that these Third Worlders receive light sentences for their “crimes” so that their campaign of enrichment can resume in the near future without hindrance.
Take Mr. Mubarek Ali, for example. This well-spoken Englishman, alleged to be a direct descendant of William Shakespeare, decided to enrich some white kids between 2007 and 2009. But when the system realized that locking him up meant fewer child rapes in his local Telford, they soon corrected their mistake!
The notorious leader of a sex gang has been released from prison 17 years early.
Mubarek Ali, who was one of two ringleaders of the gang in Telford, is just five years into his 22-year prison sentence for his horrific crimes.
The sexual grooming gang had preyed on girls as young as 13 for at least two years, who had confided in youth workers about the abuse.
Ali, 34, was then captured as part of a police investigation called Operation Chalice in 2013, and was jailed for 22 years.
However, he is now reportedly set to be released on licence as early as November.
It’s good to know that the British system still has common sense.
According to Wikipedia, Telford is 93.8 percent White, which is higher than the national average. This dreary, monochrome city needs all the color it can get, and locking away gentlemen like Mr. Ali on ridiculous, trumped-up charges isn’t helping that transformation.
Notice how colorless Telford is at the moment.
Sadly, there is always a White Supremacist ready to throw a swastika-shaped spanner in the works during cases like this one. This time, that neo-Nazi is an MP named Lucy Allan.
Telford MP Lucy Allan said that Ali’s release was ‘wrong’, and could lead to him rejoining the community where his victims continue to live.
Allan spoke of the issue in the Commons last week, demanding that victims of child sexual exploitation are treated better.
In an open letter to local paper the Shropshire Star, she added that his victims are ‘living in fear’ and should have been properly consulted before his release.
‘Victims and members of the public would have expected a 22-year sentence to mean that the community could have time to heal and victims would be able to get on with their lives,’ she said.
Yep, the same Lucy Allan who made headlines in 2015 for abusing staff. What else do you expect from an unrepentant bigot?
The sentiments Mrs. Allan expresses here are indicative of Islamophobia, a serious crime in the United Kingdom that carries a minimum sentence of life.
In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if the British police, who are deeply protective of their caliphate, are knocking on her door right now. Ruining a Moslem’s innocence by exposing his exploitation of children is something that no good Briton would ever do, and the legal consequences for it are severe.