UK: Retarded Children Bullied by Schools for Not Understanding Tranny Gibberish

First destroying women’s sports, now bullying retarded people.

Trannies are so based.


Children, including those with disabilities, are being labelled “transphobic” by their schools and bullied by their peers for not using cutting-edge new language.

A parental campaigning body in Scotland has alleged that children in elementary school are being bullied by their classmates for failing to use the preferred pronouns of allegedly “transgender” individuals.

Schools in the country also stand accused of being active in castigating children who do not comply with progressive standards regarding transgenderism, a claim that is reminiscent of previous reports emerging out of primary and secondary schools in England.

According to The Times, the parental group Safeguarding Our Schools (SOS) Scotland alleges that children are being ostracised by their peers for not referring to classmates using the correct pronouns, which they say resulted in at least one incident of a child allegedly self-harming.

The report also gives an example of a child with a learning disability that affects his working memory suffering at the hands of his peers after he failed to correctly use a peer’s preferred pronouns.

“When he made a mistake and misgendered another pupil he had to deal with hostility from that pupil and disapproval from the teacher,” the parent of the child — who is listed as having dyslexia — said.

SOS Scotland reportedly attempted to arrange a meeting with RespectMe, Scotland’s anti-bullying service, about the issue, but had the meeting cancelled after the nature of the group’s concerns was revealed.

RespectMe is reportedly partly directed by NGO LGBT Youth Scotland, whose website contains resources on “trans inclusion”, including a multilingual sign allowing teachers to list their preferred pronouns.

The allegations listed by SOS Scotland are reminiscent of similar alleged incidents in England involving kids in both elementary and high school, with pupils being singled out by classmates and teachers alike for their supposed snubbing of transgenderism.

For example, one elementary school in the far south of the country reportedly informed the parents of a six-year-old that their child would be treated as “transphobic” should he continue to fail to comprehend that a fellow child in his class was supposed to be “gender fluid”.

The incident eventually resulted in the parents pulling their child, along with his older brother, out of the school, though the family reportedly still experienced hostility from their local community after the event.

“I literally do not understand” is no longer an excuse for hate.