UK: Rwandan Gentleman has Sexual Emergency in Nightclub, Rapes Woman

If you’ve ever been to a nightclub with a group of White men before, you’ll know that an excuse to rape is never far from their minds. Indeed, all it takes is one scantily-clad thot to expose the right amount of sideboob and at least one White man – often three or more – will drag her into a dark corner for a punishing round of surprise sex.

Fortunately, other races – especially Blacks – have much greater control over their sexual urges than Whites. But that doesn’t change the fact that when they immigrate to our countries and integrate into our culture, they begin to adopt many of our behaviors too.

The case of Derrick Mutambuka exemplifies this process to a tee.

A brilliant and disciplined Rwandan teenager with a gift for the sciences, Derrick recently moved to England to study medicine at a leading university. The corruption began to seize him, however, until that fateful day when Derrick did the unthinkable.


Rwandan migrant Derrick Mutambuka has been jailed for more than nine years for violently raping a woman after he became ‘sexually aroused’ in a Sunderland nightclub.

In the early hours of December 2015, the Rwandan launched a sexual assault on one woman before grabbing another and raping her in an alleyway, inflicting 34 injuries in the attack and pausing only to kick and spit blood at passers-by who tried to stop him.

After leaving the bar, where Judge Robert Adams said the defendant became “determined to have sex with a woman” after being “sexually aroused” whilst dancing, the 18-year-old began talking to a woman on the street.

When she rejected his advances, he pushed his victim against window shop shutters and touched her groin area before trying to force his hand down her trousers.

The assault came to an end when a passing male chased him off and walked the woman home, but Mutambuka then followed the pair back to her address, where he peered through the letterbox, according to the Daily Mail.

Soon after, the defendant spotted another lone woman making her way back from a night out, and dragged her into an alleyway where he raped her, Newcastle Crown Court heard.

A member of the public attempted to stop the rape — during which the victim was also punched and ‘manhandled’, sustaining 34 injuries — after hearing her terrified screams, but he was forced to back away after Mutambuka kicked him.

He continued raping his victim in what the judge described as a “prolonged ordeal”, which came to an end only when a second man came to her rescue and chased the Rwandan teen away.

The court was told Mutambuka twice spat at the man, which contained blood, in a bid to escape. DNA evidence from the spit linked Mutambuka to the scene and the woman’s DNA was also found on his trousers.

Once a promising medical student who planned to specialize in endoscopic thoracic sympathectomies, Derrick Mutambuka is now behind bars.

Well… there you have it.

Determined to fit in with the crowd, Derrick tried to act more like a White man – and ended up taking it too far.

This report proves that even colored people can chimp out if the environment in which they live is toxic. Perhaps the only long-term solution to this problem is to import tens of millions of Blacks into countries like England so that, over time, those countries start to resemble the Africa from which people like Derrick emigrated: disciplined, high-minded and moral.