UK: Social Media Now Dominant News Source for People Aged 16 to 24, TikTok for 12- to 15-Year-Olds

Where else are you going to get the news?

From the sickening Jews on the TV?

No one watches that crap other than very old people.

The Guardian:

Online platforms have overtaken TV channels as the most popular sources for news in the UK, according to figures described as a “generational shift” in viewing habits.

More than seven out of 10 UK adults (71%) consume online news, said the UK’s communications regulator, slightly ahead of TV, which is used by 70% of adults. Ofcom described the survey result, the first time websites and apps have moved in front of TV, as marking a “generational shift in the balance of news media”.

How backward is the UK that it took this long for the internet to become the dominant source of news?

The presenter of the BBC’s Question Time programme, Fiona Bruce, said the growth of social media as a news source was “worrying”.

Ofcom cited social media as a key factor in the shift. More than half of UK adults (52%) use social media for news, up from 47% in 2023. The most popular social media platforms for news are Facebook, used by three out of 10 adults, followed by YouTube, Instagram and X. The BBC News website and app are used by 18% of adults.

Among 16- to 24-year-olds, social media is the dominant news source. Instagram is the top source overall, used by four out of 10 in that age bracket, while TikTok is used by a third of young news viewers. The generational split between online and TV news is stark, with nine out of 10 young people using online sources for news, while for a similar proportion of people over 55 the preferred medium is TV, although teens join the older generation in rating traditional sources more highly for trustworthiness. Over the past three years six out of 10 adults have rated public service broadcasters as “trusted and accurate”.

For 12- to 15-year-olds, TikTok is the biggest single news source.

Well, you’re going to get better news there than on the BBC.

Just don’t like, you know, eat Tide pods or whatever.