UK: Somali Gangrapist Saved from Deportation by Cuck Passangers to be Released on Bail


That the cucks and racial aliens wanted him not deported is one thing.

That the authorities actually stopped deporting him because of their worthless feelings… well, that’s another, even stupider, thing.


A convicted Somali gang rapist is to be released on bail after his deportation was blocked by airline passengers, who staged a revolt to block him from being sent back to his country.

Yaqub Ahmed, one of four men who gang-raped a 16-year-old girl in 2007, should be released from detention after being granted “bail in principle” despite the authorities acknowledging he poses a “real risk” to the public.

In announcing his release, Judge Margaret O’Keeffe acknowledged that there is a “real risk that he would commit offences if released on bail.”

“I am also satisfied that the applicant poses a risk of absconding. He failed to comply with bail conditions in the past and was caught attempting to leave the jurisdiction,” the judge admitted.

But she said that she was bound by guidance for immigration judges which limits the government’s ability to detain someone for more than six months before they are deported.

“I have to take into account that there is currently no realistic prospect of his removal to Somalia and it cannot be said that his removal is imminent. There is simply no way to know when the position will change in relation to international air travel,” the judge concluded, referring to the effects of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

Cucked laws, cucked law enforcement and a woman judge.

A country that once ruled over a quarter of the planet now reduced to a gigantic open-air nuthouse.

It’s amazing what just a few decades of Jew media control can do to you.

In August 2007, Ahmed was a part of a group of four men who lured a 16-year-old girl back to their flat by telling her that her friends were waiting for her there. Once the men had brought her back to their flat, the men took turns raping the teenage girl.

She was eventually saved by neighbours who phoned the police after hearing her cries for help.

Ahmed received just nine years for his part in the attack, and released on licence after serving four years behind bars.

In March of 2019, the Somali rapist was detained again after he removed his electronic tag and attempted to flee to Spain to avoid deportation.

Sounds like a model citizen to me.

The victim of the gang rape called his release “disgraceful”.

“I am so sick of it. I just want it to be over but it’s never-ending. I think it’s disgraceful,” she said.

The authorities are not known to have taken any action against the air passengers who prevented his deportation from going ahead.

Well, in all fairness, if I went up to this woman and told her “You know, you can’t get raped by brown people if you don’t let brown people infest your country” there’s a 90% chance that she’d call the cops and demand I get arrested for my objectively correct and objectively truthful meanthink.

So we all get what we deserve one way or another.

The question is – what the heck did Britain do to deserve this?

Does it have something to do with this?