UK: Swimming Association Bans Trannies from Women’s Sports, Creates Separate “Open” Category

This is an absolute outrage.

We have to deal with these trannies molesting kids and chopping them up – but at the very least, we should also be able to cheer them on as they destroy women’s sports.


Swim England announced an updated transgender and non-binary policy on Monday with a ‘female’ category restricted to athletes with a declared birth sex of female and a new ‘open’ category for everyone else.

The national governing body for swimming in England said the policy, which comes into effect in September, would apply to its swimming, artistic swimming, diving and water polo competitions.

The ‘open’ category will be for those with a birth sex of male, trans or non-binary competitors.

Biofrontholes just can’t accept that men are better than them

The policy also allows athletes to self-ID in low-level unlicensed, or recreational, events.

Water polo, which stands apart as a contact sport, will allow self-ID up to the age of 16 after which competition will be divided into ‘female’ and ‘open’ categories for safety reasons.

“It is widely recognised that fairness of competition must be protected and Swim England believes the creation of open and female categories is the best way to achieve this,” it said in a statement.

The transgender youth charity Mermaids called on Swim England to reverse its decision.

“Swim England’s trans policy is disappointing. While trans kids can play authentically in non-competitive environments, the policy fundamentally denies trans girls the right to compete as themselves,” it said on Twitter.

World Aquatics voted last year to restrict participation of transgender athletes in elite women’s competitions and create a working group to establish an open category.

I stand with Mermaids.

Reverse the decision.

We are sick of women swimmers.

Swimming is a man’s sport.