UK to Give the Ukraine £3 Billion a Year in Military Support “For as Long as It Takes”

How does the Ukraine even still have an army?

Where are they men coming from?

Anyway, they are apparently coming from somewhere, but are these people aware that Russia is a much bigger country, which is taking many fewer casualties, and therefore some kind of “years-long commitment” is insane?

And what about the other Jews?

The Jews in Israel need this money.

The Guardian:

The new government will stick with plans to spend at least £3bn every year on military support for Ukraine for “as long as is it takes” in its conflict with Russia, Keir Starmer has said.

After his first official bilateral talks with the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, at the Nato summit in Washington, the prime minister confirmed the military aid would continue until at least 2030-31.

The UK has to date promised almost £12bn in support to Ukraine since February 2022, of which £7.1bn is for military assistance. The rest is for humanitarian and economic support.

In his talks with Zelenskiy, Starmer underscored that Ukraine was on an “irreversible” path to Nato membership. However, diplomats at the Nato summit say that setting out any firm timetable would be a gift to the Russian president, Vladimir Putin.

On Thursday, the prime minister will tell his fellow leaders: “Nato was founded by the generation who defeated fascism. They understood not just the value of our strength, but the strength of our values.

“Those values are under attack once again. Putin needs to hear a clear message ringing out from this summit – a message of unity and determination, that we will support Ukraine with whatever it takes, for as long as it takes to uphold our shared values and our shared security.”

Shared values.

It just never ends.

We need an AI Prime Minister.

He would at least switch things up a bit.

These humanoid robots come up with the dumbest possible slogans, and then they just say them all day long.

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