Ukrainian Civil War has Begun as Putin Bans America from Outer Space

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 15, 2014

"It almost looks like it could become a civil war sometime in the unknown future." -Western Media
“It almost looks like it could become a civil war sometime in the unknown future.” -Western Media

While the Western Jew media keeps coming out and saying that the Ukraine is “on the verge of” war, Lavrov has come out and told it straight: the war has already begun, because the word “war” means armies shooting at each other, and this is what is happening in the Ukraine.


“When Ukrainians kill Ukrainians, I believe it’s as close to civil war as you can get,” Sergei Lavrov told Bloomberg Television yesterday in an interview in Moscow. “In the east and south of Ukraine, there is a war, a real war, with heavy weaponry used, and if this is something that is conducive to free and fair elections, then I don’t understand something about freedom.”

“Quite a number” of the rebel fighters have also been killed, Lavrov said, as the Kiev government sent troops into the eastern regions to reassert control. Separatists in Luhansk and Donetsk, where unofficial ballots on breaking away from Kiev were held last weekend, have agreed to join forces to confront the central government.

In other news, the King of the Slavs, Vladimir Putin, has banned the US from the ISS.

Oh, you wanted to go to space?  Sorry, no.
Oh, you wanted to go to space? Sorry, no.


Russia is to deny the US future use of the International Space Station beyond 2020 and will also bar its rocket engines from launching US military satellites as it hits back at American sanctions imposed over Ukraine crisis.

Russia’s deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin announced a series of punitive measures on Tuesday against the US in response to sanctions imposed after Russia annexed Crimea.

The two countries have long cooperated closely on space exploration despite their clashes in foreign policy.

The Space Station is manned by both American and Russian crew, but the only way to reach it is by using Russia’s Soyuz spacecraft.

The US is keen to keep the $100 billion (£600) ISS flying until at least 2024, four years beyond its original target.

This is a much more stinging sanction than the US visa bans, in its symbolic form.  He is basically banning the US from outer space.  I’m sure they’re not all too happy about the rocket thing, either.  On top of this, Russia is suspending operation of US-owned GPS sites in their country, saying they will restore access when the US allows Russian GPS in their country.

He also appears to be serious about cutting off Ukraine’s gas.  Though I don’t think the Chief Monkey believes him – the entire Obama war strategy is based upon assuming that Putin is not serious and then being shocked when it turns out he actually is.


In an open letter to European leaders, Mr Putin said Ukraine now owed Russia $3.5bn (2.55bn euros; £2.1bn) for gas already delivered.

He said Russia remained open to consultations, but the EU had failed to come up with specific solutions.

Mr Putin’s letter follows similar comments by Gazprom boss Alexei Miller.

Mr Miller said on Monday that the state energy giant could halt natural gas shipments to Ukraine on 3 June unless the country pays in advance for supplies.

“Given the circumstances, the Russian company has issued an advance invoice for gas deliveries to Ukraine, which is completely in accordance with the contract, and after June 1 gas deliveries will be limited to the amount prepaid by the Ukrainian company,” Mr Putin said in his letter, which was released by the Kremlin on Thursday.

I hope these Kiev Jews freeze.