UN Committee Tells Britain to Curb “Hate Speech” and Anti-Stabbing Rhetoric

This is news from Friday.

We’re posting it on Monday for some reason.


A U.N. committee urged Britain on Friday to pass measures to curb hate speech and xenophobic rhetoric which it said had played a direct role in fuelling summer riots.

Racist unrest involving far-right groups erupted at anti-immigration protests across Britain in August after false information circulated online that the suspect in a deadly attack on young girls was an Islamist migrant.

“(The Committee) is concerned about the persistence and in some cases sharp increase of hate crimes, hate speech and xenophobic incidents,” the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination said in a press release following a review of Britain’s record.

This included racist and xenophobic speech by politicians and public figures in print, broadcast and online media, it said.

The U.N. body did not name the politicians or media involved but Committee Member Gün Kut told journalists there was a direct link between xenophobic speeches and racial violence.

The UN has a charter that says everyone on earth is supposed to have a right to freedom of thought and freedom of conscience, expressed through free expression of belief. Most Western countries do not have such a charter.

It’s strange to have the UN get involved in demanding more censorship.

It’s almost like there is an international campaign to shut down white people.