UN Now Deciding Which Brown People Get to be “New Americans”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 16, 2016


The UN might as well decide who is allowed to come to America – it is no less foreign than our own government.

This is just the national ZOG handing over control to the international ZOG.

Investor’s Business Daily:

Immigration: The Obama administration has outsourced to the United Nations the selection of Central Americans who will be reclassified as refugees to this country. How many more ways can we lose control of our border?

As surreal as it sounds, the Obama administration really has employed the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to select and ship thousands of newly minted Central American “refugees” from its newly set up processing centers. These are the same people who, up until now, have been known as economic migrants.

This is the new meme: you can seek “refuge” from poverty. Meaning that basically every single third world person is eligible to come to America.

It’s the Nikki Haley stratagem: The whole world is American.

Media reports have noted that it’s the administration’s attempt to staunch the latest border surge by offering refugee status as alternative to illegal migration. Thwarted on his amnesty initiatives, President Obama’s latest effort to import Central Americans simply involves changing their status from immigrant to refugee — with the aid of the UN.

As a result, as many as 80,000 would-be illegals from Central America may come in the next two years with legal status, skipping the hassle of legal or even illegal immigration and going to the very front of the line.

These people are as primitive as Syrians. Even Mexico won’t accept them. Most of them don’t even speak Spanish.


The reason their countries are filled with “violence and poverty” is that they have IQs in the low 70s.

In this July 22, 2012 photo, inmates belonging to the M-18 gang stand inside the prison in Quezaltepeque , El Salvador. Six months after El Salvador brokered an historic truce between two rival gangs to curb the nation's daunting homicide rate, officials are split over whether the truce actually works. The gangs, which also operate in Guatemala and Honduras, are seeking truce talks in those countries as well. (AP Photo/Luis Romero)

But don’t worry your stupid goyim heads. They are all going to become productive “New Americans” as soon as they arrive, because it is a known fact that race doesn’t exist, so their only problem was living in a negative geographical area.

Americans and Europeans are successful only because of magic soil.

After Congress’ passage of the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill, the administration saw legal authorization to ramp up admission of refugees to as many as 100,000 over the next two years — including the 10,000 Syrian refugees who’ve drawn so much public concern.

Now UN bureaucrats will pick out who comes here and who doesn’t.

Winning the title of “refugee” is rapidly being institutionalized by the Obama administration and UN’s global bureaucrats as a political spoil. “For an immigrant, to win the title of ‘refugee’ is the golden ticket,” a congressional source told IBD.

In the U.S., anyone with the title of refugee gets “a flight to the States, premium job placement, food stamps, welfare, education, Social Security, Medicaid and legal status,” the source said.

Wow, I wish Whites were able to get all those things from their own government.

The birthrate would go up.