Styrofoam-Faced Paki Bitch Nikki Haley Allies with Obama Against Glorious Leader

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 13, 2016

The disgusting “conservative” Paki governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, showed her mutant face on TV last night to declare support for Obama’s invasion agenda and to denounce Our Glorious Leader.

Responding to the State of the Union, the Paki hag instructed Whitey to “resist the temptation” of the “Siren call” of the “angriest voices.”

Translation: “You White devils may feel a desire to have your own country, but you must resist that instinct and instead give it away to hordes of foreign parasites for no reason beyond some vague feminist morality no one has ever explained but which relates to ‘OMG  so sad because they’re poor!!!!'”

The stupid Paki bitch then added that everyone who is willing to not break the law should be “welcomed” into America. It is unclear how many billions of brown people would be willing to not break the law while living on welfare in America, but presumably it would be around 1-2 billion.

This Paki woman, ostensibly a “conservative,” wants to flood the streets with billions of brown people.

Thus far, not a single shill has presented any argument at all as to why you would want all of these filthy rapists and terrorists on your streets. Their only argumentative tactic is to claim that anyone who doesn’t want that is evil somehow.

All these monkeys need deported, ASAP. They are crushing us like bugs. Deport Obama, deport Nikki Haley, deport absolutely everyone.