Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 6, 2015

Illegal immigrants are not criminals and thus must be given free everything, declares the UN Human Rights Czar Francois Crepeau.
The EU as a whole together with other western states should be prepared to find homes for a million asylum seekers over the next five years, he urged.
The UN’s special rapporteur on human rights added: “While it may constitute an administrative offence, irregular migration is not a crime… irregular migrants are not criminals and should not be treated as such.”
He made his incendiary comments in an “end of mission” report issued after spending four days in Brussels studying the EU’s border management.
He said: “Irregular migrants should be able to access health care, education, local police, social services, public housing, health and safety inspectors and labour inspectors without risking being reported to immigration enforcement.”
He revealed that 150,000 would-be refugees arrived in Europe by sea last year – nearly double the 80,000 that landed in 2013.
“Any attempt at sealing borders…will continue to fail on a massive scale,” he warned, arguing that Syrian war refugees “cannot be expected by the EU to live in Lebanon and Turkey indefinitely.”
Tory MP Philip Hollobone said: “This statement demonstrates how seriously out of touch with the real world some representatives of the UN have become.
“The idea that you can solve the problem of international illegal migration by making life more comfortable for these people is a recipe for complete disaster. It will only encourage more flows of migrants to our shores.”
Closing the border will fail? And that somehow relates to how we can’t expect Moslem refugees to live in Moslem countries, as if we have some duty to these people, who have repeatedly invaded us for over a thousand years?
Closing the border would be simple: Greek and Bulgarian borders with Turkey are lined with landmines and boats coming from Africa are sunk with drones. Boom – problem solved, thing no more of it.
Ah, but no…
These insane statements from this UN man – which are not new, but simply following along with all that has already been said by these crazies – demonstrate the point we’ve been pushing here on the Daily Stormer: there is no point at which enough is enough, no point at which this stops.
Every time people say “okay, we’ll go one more step toward destroying everything completely,” then quickly comes the following step. After “free everything for every person who wants to leave Syria, Iraq or Turkey” it will be “these people must live inside your homes with you.” In Sweden, a politiican already suggested people “open their homes to immigrants,” so it is only a matter of time before that is law in the UK.
This is an extermination program, plain and simple. You have two choices: fight or die.