UN Pushing for Invasion of Haiti

Ever since the slaves rose up and slaughtered the whites and mulattoes, Haiti has been a disaster zone. But the West has made it a lot worse.

According to the Haitians, Israelis went into their country a while back and did organ harvesting against the blacks, so I would be pretty suspicious of a UN invasion if I were the blacks.


The United Nations has called for an international military deployment in Haiti, insisting a foreign troop presence is needed to maintain order and curb rampant gang violence. The country has seen significant unrest since the assassination of President Jovenel Moise in 2021, including a major spike in violent crime.

Addressing the UN Security Council on Tuesday, UN special envoy to Haiti Helen La Lime warned that gang-related violence has “reached levels not seen in decades,” saying that while Haiti has made some positive steps in recent months, those gains “remain fragile and vulnerable to being reversed” without foreign intervention.

“Haitians overwhelmingly want this assistance so they can go about their daily lives in peace. The population is living in fear and are all too conscious of the limitations of the police force,” she added.

Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry first proposed a security mission last October, calling for “the immediate deployment of a specialized armed force” to take on “armed gangs.” At the time, criminal groups were helping to stage chaotic protests which effectively shut down some of Haiti’s main ports, driving shortages in key goods such as water and fuel.

Wait. Haiti has to import water?

That is rough.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres later echoed the government’s appeal, though it appears to have fallen on deaf ears. 

While Washington recently agreed to sell a number of armored vehicles to the Haitian National Police to “counter gang violence and re-establish stability,” and has itself suggested a “limited” troop deployment, President Joe Biden has been reluctant to take that step.

This isn’t really the whole story. The leader of Haiti is unelected, and supported by the US government. Their president was assassinated in 2021, interestingly in the midst of an international scandal over his opposition to the coronavirus vaccine. Most people believe that the US hired the Colombian assassins.

This led to the protests which the UN is claiming are illegitimate.

It’s a wacky thing that the UN would have to go in to stop protests and crime. This represents a total lack of sovereignty, regardless of whether the unelected leader of the country supports it.

If this is the standard, I don’t see how they wouldn’t also be sent into Chicago, where the crime is worse than in Haiti.

If violent protests are an issue, you’d think they might also be sent in to quell Antifa and BLM.

Maybe that is what this is leading to?

Along with accusing Israelis of organ-harvesting, Haitians have long accused the Clinton Foundation of controlling the country for their own purposes.