Ungrateful Blacks Burn Pictures of ‘Cracker’ Jesus

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
September 14, 2014

Yes, a man created in the image of God looks nothing like you does he?

If it wasn’t for misguided Christians lobbying to free the Blacks from slavery, they would still be in chains throughout the world.

Don’t expect any thanks from them for doing that though, their latest craze is burning pictures of ‘cracker Jesus’ as a way to fight ‘racism.’

There really is no point to doing anything for the Blacks, because they will always just throw it back in your face.

It is nature’s way of reminding us that our love should only be for our own race and no one else.

Illinois Review:

There’s a new social media challenge sweeping the Internet called #BurnWhiteJesus, or the White Jesus Picture challenge.

The movement calls on people to post videos of themselves online burning pictures of Jesus, according to Inquistr.

The reason behind the challenge is racism, according to the religious education website Patheos.com, who says the common portrayal of Jesus as a white man “is used to advance white supremacy around the world.”

“Mr. Savannah Black” posted his video which shows him explaining the challenge and then burning two pictures of Jesus.

“This will be the hardest challenge for most black folks to do,” he said. “In order for you to free your mind you must get rid of this image from your subconscious, in order to have real liberation of the self.”