Unhinged Lunatic Rand Paul Calls Confederate Flag a Symbol of Racism and Murder

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 24, 2015

Paul exists in a constant state of fear that the public will recognize his mental illness and punish him for it.
Paul exists in a constant state of fear that the public will recognize his mental illness and punish him for it. His policy is to lay low and not talk for more than 90 seconds at a time.

Though Ron Paul was a pretty cool guy, his son is a completely deranged psychotic who should be locked in a padded room rather than making public policy.

In a Tuesday interview with WKRO, the whackjob said the Confederate flag is “inescapably a symbol of human bondage and slavery.”

“No, I agree, I think the flag is inescapably a symbol of human bondage and slavery, and particularly when people use it obviously for murder and to justify hated so vicious that you would kill somebody I think that that symbolism needs to end, and I think South Carolina is doing the right thing,” Paul told radio host Jeff Kuhner.

Upon hearing that Rand truly cares about their feelings, the entire population of Detroit hit the street to dance.
Upon hearing that Rand truly cares about their feelings, the entire population of Detroit hit the street to dance.

He continued: “There have been people who have used it for southern pride and heritage and all of that but really to I think to every African-American in the country it’s a symbolism of slavery to them and now it’s a symbol of murder for this young man and so I think it’s time to put it in a museum.”

Listen to it: