University of Kansas Offers “Angry White Male Studies” Course

They’ve been doing it since 2019

The goofy thing is, I’ve not really seen any white male anger in response to what is going on with these women and coloreds. You’d think white men would be angry. But I haven’t seen it.

I’ve seen a lot of men going along with this nightmare world, and I’ve seen a few men rationally analyze it as totally non-viable in the longterm. The only right-wing personality I know as being really angry is Bill ORLY.

He is just a really angry, mean person in a cartoonish sort of way.

He got banned from the media for like, rape or whatever, and now he’s out white knighting for AOC and saying there should be a law against flirting with her. So maybe he’s not so angry anymore, or his anger has just been directed towards men who flirt with AOC – I don’t know.

I will say that I don’t think Bill O’Reilly is having a particularly important influence on society.

Campus Reform:

For the Fall 2022 semester, the history department at the University of Kansasis offering Angry White Male Studies as a course that will explore the “prominent figure” that is “the angry white male.”

“This course charts the rise of the ‘angry white male’ in America and Britain since the 1950s, exploring the deeper sources of this emotional state while evaluating recent manifestations of male anger,” the course description reads.

“Employing interdisciplinary perspectives this course examines how both dominant and subordinate masculinities are represented and experienced in cultures undergoing periods of rapid change connected to modernity as well as to rights-based movements of women, people of color, homosexuals and trans individuals,” it continues.

The instructor Christopher Forth writes in the description that the class will ask the following questions: “Where does he come from? What’s he angry about? Is his anger misplaced? Is he blaming the right people? How long has this been going on? Is he a global phenomenon? And how do we move forward?”

Christopher Forth

Forth is a professor of history and the Dean’s Professor of Humanities, serving in the departments of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and American Studies.

He and his class drew significant criticism from Kansas Congressman Ron Estes in 2019. Campus Reform previously reported on Estes’s comments regarding the course’s possible violation of Title IX.

Why is this asshole trying to empower women?

Yeah, that’s what we need, Ron – more empowered women.

It’s not like that’s exactly what led us here.

It case you didn’t notice, I’m being sarcastic.

Empowered women are all angry, which is why they are making hate courses against men. People know this. Do you know any white women who you wouldn’t describe as “angry”? Black women are actually even worse somehow.

This isn’t serious at all, and any serious person should be able to immediately laugh it off as ridiculous. And by “this,” I mean the entire concept of removing white men from the societies they built.