US Army Becomes Safe Space for Dune Monkeys and Turban Twisters

Daily Stormer
January 7, 2017

He’s just a good American like you – but he has extra rights!

I’m pretty sure that when the Founding Fathers put that bit in the constitution about freedom of religion, what they meant was you were free to be any kind of Christian that only married one wife, or no religion, your choice. Surely, they never envisioned the nightmare scenario of every superstitious mud person on the planet constantly tying up the courts because some child molesting desert bastard said for them not to shave their beards, but that is where we are.


The U.S. Army has taken new steps to make it easier for Sikhs, Muslims and other religious minorities to obtain approval to dress and groom themselves according to their religious customs while serving in the military, a spokesman said on Thursday.

Army Secretary Eric Fanning, in a memorandum signed this week, revised the uniform policy to set appearance standards for people seeking religious accommodations to wear beards, turbans and head scarfs.

See what I meant about “extra rights?”

“Our goal is to balance soldier readiness and safety with the accommodation of our soldiers’ faith practices, and this latest directive allows us to do that,” Lieutenant Colonel Randy Taylor said in a statement.

And of course, readiness means having plenty of goat sex aficionados in the military. After all, the military is all about being sensitive, liberal, and trendy. Long ago, we as a nation moved past the silly, racist, misogynistic, idea that the armed forces are there to protect the nation by waging war, killing everything that threatens us until it never threatens us again. Now we rebuild our enemies’ infrastructures, we give our soldiers “sensitivity training” and do crazy things like make them march in red high-heeled pumps so they understand the struggle of being a liberated woman in today’s army.

And, it would appear, The Pentagon believes that loving up the livestock is a good way to keep the troops vigilant!

And it’s totally safe. It’s not like any of them would ever go all “Allahu Akhbar” and shoot up a military base or anything.

But really, folks, who are we supposed to be fighting anyway? We’ve been at war in some capacity in the Middle East since before I was born, sometimes overt, often covert, and we’ve been in first a hot war with Iraq and Afghanistan, plus an occupation of said stink-holes for 15 years straight.

Now we’re supposed to believe that, just by dint of arriving here, plus exposure to those magical Enlightenment ideas of Jefferson, Madison, et al, that they just transform into Americans, no different from the old men at the local VFW.

Well, I don’t believe it.

And I’ll tell you this: I’m sick and tired of everyone but White males receiving special accommodations and special rights that can’t be accessed by us.

As a regular American with a regular American religion, you get no special pass for beards, long hair, weird headgear, etc.

As a male, you get no exemptions or special criteria when it comes to how fast you can complete an obstacle course, or how much weight you must carry in your pack when doing so.

As a regular White American male, you get the shit end of the stick.

We’re supposed to be bombing these people, not putting them in charge of our bombs

Are you getting tired of it yet, White boy?