US Raises Concerns After China Announces End to Foreign Adoptions

Why would any country want to send their children to foreigners in other countries?

Stranger adoption is bad enough inside of one country. Sending kids to other countries is heinous beyond belief.

No country should have ever been doing this. Now that Western countries allow so-called “anal adoption,” it’s way, way worse.

You know faggots want a little Chinese boy to molest.

Faggots are a disease.

The Guardian:

The Chinese government is ending its international adoption program, and the US is seeking clarification on how the decision will affect hundreds of American families with pending applications.

At a daily briefing on Thursday, Mao Ning, a spokesperson for the Chinese foreign ministry, said China was no longer allowing intercountry adoptions of the country’s children, with the only exception for blood relatives to adopt a child or a stepchild.

She didn’t explain the decision other than to say that it was in line with the spirit of relevant international conventions.

Indeed it is in that spirit.

In a phone call with US diplomats in China, Beijing said it “will not continue to process cases at any stage” other than those cases covered by an exception clause. The embassy is seeking clarification in writing from China’s ministry of civil affairs, the US state department said on Thursday.

US families have adopted 82,674 children from China, the most from any foreign country.

Why is the US always trying to buy children from other countries?

Why would they get mad if a country said “we’re going to keep our kids, actually”?

What is going on with these kidnapped children?

Are they used in rituals???