US Truckers Plan Canada Style Truckupation of DC

Are we doing this?

Are we going full convoy?

The Daily Caller:

Thousands of American Truckers plan to take part in a nation-wide convoy to protest COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

U.S. truckers are planning the convoy after 50,000 Canadian truckers made their way to Ottawa in protest of their own country’s mandate. The U.S. truckers will drive from California to Washington D.C.

According to the Facebook group “Convoy to DC 2022,” created to organize the protest, the truckers describe themselves as “part of many large groups who believe in our founding fathers.” The group has more than 95,000 members as of Monday.

“We believe everyone has a voice. We support our freedom. Help us spread the word about this group and together we all can make it a better place.. God Bless America,” the Facebook group says.

The Facebook page has already been deleted, because protesting is a threat to democracy.

Democracy is the perfect system of government, but literally basically everything is a threat to it and it could be destroyed at any time because it is so fragile. What’s more – most of the population who live under democracy hate it, because they’re evil.

That’s why democracy requires such brutality to enforce it, unlike say, Chinese communism or Putinist autocracy, where society can pretty much function normally and people can do whatever.

In order to protect our sacred democracy, which is the meaning of our values and who we are (it basically means “anal sex” and “women ruling over you,” and now “forced genetic manipulation of the public,” for those more literal among you), you have to really shut down people’s ability to freely communicate ideas or participate in society at all, really.

There’s no choice.

It’s who we are.

As far as whether or not American boomers will be able to organize something without access to Facebook – we shall see. I hope so. Seeing trucks roll into DC, park, and start with the honking would be an amazing sight, and really give a lot of hope to the rest of the world that is forced to live under this oppressive system of brutal authoritarian democracy.