Utah: Wetback Faces Charges for Killing White Man, Injuring Another in Highway Shooting

Jonathan Mendoza Llana.

Is this the sort of thing Blormpf was referring to when he said “legal immigrants enrich our nation and strengthen our society in countless ways”?

Because I can’t imagine the murdered chap feels all that enriched.

Perhaps the guy who survived does (we’d have to ask him about it).

Gephardt Daily:

The suspected highway shooter of two Utah men, one of whom died, is awaiting extradition from Idaho to Utah to face charges of murder and attempted murder.

Jonathan Mendoza Llana, 45, was booked into the Cassia (Idaho) County Jail at 12:41 a.m. Saturday, according to booking records. Those same records indicate he is being held for an “outside agency.”

Llana was taken into custody at about 3:15 p.m. Friday after a two-day manhunt by multiple agencies.

An indictment filed in Box Elder County District Court indicates that Llana will faces charges of criminal homicide, aggravated murder, and attempted criminal homicide, aggravated homicide, aggravated murder. Both are first-degree felonies.

Llana is accused in the death of 50-year-old Dennis Gwyther and the non-fatal shooting of Gwyther’s co-worker. The men, both from Salt Lake City, were traveling on Interstate 84 toward Boise for work on Wednesday night. Gwyther was a flight attendant for SkyWest, and was based out of Boise.

The two men were near Snowville when Gwyther was fatally shot by another driver, believed to be Llana. Gwyther’s passenger was shot in the arm and was able to call 911 and alert authorities. Police officials and Gwyther’s husband, Matt Gwyther, have confirmed that the second man was treated and has returned home to his family.

Officials are not yet certain if the shooting was random, but Jensen said it definitely was unprovoked.

Dennis Gwyther.