Utopia Closer Than Ever After NYC Puts Gun-Detecting Tech at Busy Subway Station

It would be better if everyone was legally allowed to bring their guns on the subway, no?

I mean, whites have a much better aim than blacks.

It’s already such a ridiculous mess at this point that just openly allowing shootouts on the subway would make everyone feel a lot safer.

You would probably have people coming up from Texas to ride around on the subway all day just waiting for some black or Venezuelan to draw his gun.

New York Post:

Mayor Eric Adams’ controversial plan to install gun-detecting tech in the Big Apple’s beleaguered transit system was booted up Friday in lower Manhattan.

The weapons scanner pilot program from company Evolv, which was unveiled by the tech-loving mayor in March, went live in the Fulton Street station at around 4 p.m., ahead of the evening commute.

A Post reporter observed passengers forking over their handbags and backpacks to police for inspection before they passed through the electronic detector, where there was a sea of additional officers waiting on the other side. Once cleared, they walked back and retrieved their items.

One police officer wearing rubber gloves was seen thoroughly searching one straphanger’s black backpack, carefully going through each pocket.

Commuters who spoke to The Post welcomed the scanners — as long as they are accurate and don’t hold up the hurried commuters.

When the program is implemented only random people — every five people or so — will be selected to go through the detector, Adams told reporters at a press conference Friday evening.

He described the new weapons technology surveillance pilot, which uses electromagnetic technology, as “groundbreaking” — noting scanners will be placed at “select” stations throughout the city “over the next month.”

This hardly seems like a long-term solution to the problem of escalating violence.

It seems to me that this is a social problem, and not a problem of access to guns.
