Ukraine: Jewish president
Panama: Jewish president
Argentina: Jewish president
Lativa: Jewish president until 2023
Mexico: Soon to be Jewish president.At a fraction of the world population, this should be impossible.
— Lucas Gage (@Lucas_Gage_) June 1, 2024
Personally, I don’t need to check early life anymore. Mostly, I just feel it. But you know, names and faces help too.
But in case you’re still working your way up to my level, here you go:
Did they escape the “Holocaust,” or did they “move to Mexico to rip people off and take over the place”?

But it’s a real bummer for me.
I wasn’t really following Mexican politics (I follow enough retarded bullshit, I don’t have time for all of it), but I guess I had some kind of hope that some hardcore communist anti-American Russophile would take over somehow.
But America obviously has Mexico in Futurama style clamps.

What I will say about Mexico is that it’s an awesome country now that they’ve spent three decades sending all their criminals and low IQ genetic trash to America.
Like, I know some dweebs still fly into Cancun or whatever and think they’re going to get laid with a white girl (as if that is more likely in Mexico for some reason), but the reality is, Mexico City is frigging based, and you can get fine ass hookers for like, fair prices.
You can even have a fun and safe time in Tijuana these days. Pretty sure cocaine is legal now there for personal use, but check that shit out first. Also check with your priest about whether it’s a sin. The hooker is definitely a sin (but also, nigga, I mean… sex sin is the most popular mortal sin, and I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to explain yourself – not encouraging sin! Sorry! But I don’t know how I’m supposed to address the issue – “just be celibate” is of course the correct line, but it also makes me sound like someone who has no idea what real life actually is, and it would also make me a hypocrite if I acted like I’m not slamming hookers without even using a condom or stealthing that shit off).
Cocaine though I’m pretty darn sure is not a sin, and if you do enough of it, you won’t be able to do the fornication!
We call that a “win-win.”
This global warmer kike is probably going to outlaw cocaine and hookers though anyway, making all of this theological discussion a moot point.
Claudia Sheinbaum seems poised to cement her historic victory as Mexico’s first female president with a supermajority in congress that would let her party pass legislation and budgets unopposed – and perhaps even change the constitution without need for compromise.
Sheinbaum, a 61-year-old climate scientist and former mayor of Mexico City, won the presidency with 59.5% of the vote, according to a rapid sample count by Mexico’s electoral authority.
During the campaign, Sheinbaum portrayed herself as a continuity candidate, vowing to keep the policies of her populist predecessor, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, known popularly as Amlo, who founded the Morena party in 2014 and forged a bond with voters disenchanted with democracy.
López Obrador was constitutionally unable to run again, but chose Sheinbaum as his successor – and she appears to have won 5m votes more than he did six years ago.
“In the 200 years of the republic, I will become the first woman president of Mexico,” Sheinbaum told supporters in a victory speech late on Sunday, to loud cheers of “presidenta, presidenta” – the feminine form of the country’s top political post.
Thanks in part to a constitutional amendment that set the goal of gender parity in all races for elected office and in appointments for top jobs in government, women now hold half the seats in Mexico’s congress and almost half the jobs in cabinet and one-third of the governorships.
Activists will hope to see this prominence of female leaders translate into policy.
Just to be clear, fornication is a mortal sin, and I encourage everyone to avoid all sins.
In terms of this situation where you can’t really even get a wife and so you are either forced to either never have sex at all (and get erections at the gym) or jack off (very mortal sin) or be some bitch’s “boyfriend” (basically a little doggie) OR smash some 8/10 hooker for $100, I personally think that you’re going to be judged differently than a guy who could have had a wife (or did have a wife) and decided on whores.
Also, whore mongering is a lesser sin than masturbation and it is literally the same sin as having sex with any girl you are not married to. Seriously, there is zero difference between having sex with your “girlfriend” and having sex with a hooker. The hooker is obviously better, because you’re going to be doing it less. You can hit up a hooker once a month or even just a few times a year, and satisfy your urge. If you have a girlfriend, you’re going to be having sex at least once a week, and each time it’s a mortal sin.
The only licit sex as a Christian is penis in vagina with a woman you married in a church. And unless the bitch died or abandoned you, if you divorce and get married again, every instance of sex with the “second wife” is no different than fornication.
Also, every time you jack off, it’s as bad if not worse than having sex with a hooker.
I don’t want to drag anyone to hell with me. I’m not going to say “go fuck hookers in Mexico.” I’m just saying: on Judgement Day, we’re all going to have a lot of explaining to do, and I’m pretty sure God is going to accept “context” as a valid mitigating factor.
Plus, we are all saved by the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and when we’re talking about fornication, we’re talking about purgatory.
In Orthodox Christianity (which I call “Eastern Catholicism,” because I don’t know why Rome gets to keep that brand, especially when they’re openly doing gay shit), Purgatory is actually in Hell, which is a bit more hardcore. But it’s a level of Hell that is more or less in line with Dante’s version of Purgatory.
Honestly, aside from the sex stuff, I don’t really think I’ve done anything wrong in my life. And I really, really try to do a lot of good stuff to make up for the sex stuff. But… I’ve done a whole lot of sex stuff.
May Jesus Christ have mercy on my soul, I love hookers.
Hopefully, the good I’ve done, the sacrifices I’ve made to fight these Jews, will outweigh the hooker thing. But if I’ve gotta do some time in Purgatory, I accept this fate.
I have zero doubt that eventually, I’ll get to Paradise.
But every day, I wake up and write the truth, and sometimes wear myself out, and I do it because it’s the right thing to do, because I know it’s what Jesus wants me to do.
That’s all I actually want to do: what Jesus wants me to do. I cannot understand why anyone would want to do anything else. Except hookers. I understand why people want to do hookers. But lying, cheating, stealing, murder, war, abuse of employees, Jordan Peterson type scams, lying for money… I don’t understand any of that. I have like, zero temptation to do any sin other than fornication, and I only want to do it in a very limited scope with hookers.
Also, I don’t do anything weird with hookers. Except if they have huge breasts, sometimes I do the dick-between-the-breasts thing. But that’s really the extent of it. (Whatever you do, DO NOT DO ANAL. If she offers, you picked a very bad hooker. I don’t know if a footjob is considered sodomy.) Pretty much, I’m trying to get in and out in ten minutes max. Well, actually, sometimes I pay hookers just to hang out with me and watch me play video games such as Helldivers 2 and then order tacos on Uber Eats.
Basically though: just pray every day for God to send you a wife. Until he does, just do your best and don’t be too hard on yourself if you get caught slipping. It’s better to get caught slipping in an 8/10 Mexican hooker than a porno gooner pit.
My philosophy: I want you all to be the best Christians you can be. But I’m not going to be some fake ass homo who is like “just be perfect bro, it’s really easy” while at the same time he is doing some super sick shit you can’t even imagine.
Can you imagine what Joel Osteen does, sexually?
Don’t even try to imagine it. Just trying to imagine it will scar you for life.
Christians who go around telling people to “just be perfect” do nothing but lead people away from Christ. This is just obvious. None of us are perfect, and every single young man ever – save Jesus Himself and maybe some Taliban kids who get married when they’re 12 – has never totally avoided sexual sin.
It’s just life.
Final thought: whatever you do, DO NOT have sex with the Jewish president of Mexico.
This bitch looks like a Slurm factory slug from Futurama.