Wait, What? Republican Says America is the New Hitlerism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 8, 2014

Muh economies.
Muh economies.

In one of the most retarded statements of this new millennium (right up there with when Obama called the Ukrainian coup a “peaceful protest”), Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock compared the present state of America to that of Hitler’s Germany during a farewell speech at the Indiana Republican Convention in Fort Wayne.

Indy Star:

“The people of Germany in a free election selected the Nazi party because they made great promises that appealed to them because they were desperate and destitute. And why is that? Because Germany was bankrupt,” he said.

Mourdock also alluded to the 70th anniversary this week of the D-Day invasion during World War II, saying, “The truth is, 70 years later, we are drifting on the tides toward another beachhead and it is the bankruptcy of the United States of America.”

His speech was intended to draw other parallels to the nation’s current direction as well.

“Over the next several years, every time a program began to fall apart, Mr. Hitler’s party was very, very good at dividing Germany by pointing to this group or that group,” Mourdock said. “First they went after their political opponents. Then they went after the aristocrats. Then they went after the trade unionists. And ultimately of course they went after the Jews. They deprived them of their property, their rights, their citizenship, and for millions their humanity. Because they were bankrupt!”

Well, actually, they went after the Jews because they had stolen all the money. Which is what the Jews have now done to America. So maybe this comparison isn’t all that retarded after all…

The basic problem, however, is that we have no rising right-wing Antisemitic movement ready to swoop in and clean this mess up. Instead, we have a whole lot of confusing nothing, which makes anyone with any sense want to vomit simply thinking about it.

The Weimar comparison also doesn’t work because there is no real poverty in America – not in the traditional sense. There is food and warmth for all, and there will be until the number of immigrants and blacks makes it physically unsustainable. That probably won’t happen before the number of immigrants and blacks make it unlivable through other means though.

Anyway, the Yids of course flipped their lids over the statements, saying “muh six million, muh gas, muh survival.”

Members of the Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council reacted strongly in prepared statements sent in response to Mourdock’s speech.

“We are extremely disappointed to learn that Treasurer Mourdock chose to invoke the rise of Hitler and the heinous acts of the Nazis in comparison to America’s national debt. Such comparisons are highly offensive and trivialize both the suffering and memory of the six million Jews and millions of others who perished under the Nazi regime,” said Shelby Anderson, president of the board.

Stephen Klapper, vice president of the council, said it was “deplorable to suggest that a nation in debt is somehow one step away from perpetrating crimes reminiscent of Nazi Germany. And it’s outrageous to equate our nation’s legitimate public policy challenges, and the way we choose to address these issues – ideally through civil discourse and rigorous debate – with the way Hitler and his Nazi regime propagated one of civilization’s most reprehensible atrocities through lies, terror, and ultimately genocide,”

Every time I hear Jews talk about their six million invisible disappearing brethren, it sounds stupider than the last time I heard it. And I have heard it – as we all have – six million times.

But the jig is up, Jews.

Hopefully, ol Mourdock is right, and a new Hitler is on the way to clean this mess up.