Watch: Pro-Toddler Crowd Screams “Baby Killers!” at Jews Outside NYC Kosher Deli

Jews cannot even walk around.

People hate them.

Stop being sad about this stupid fake election: people hate the Jews.

This is the best thing that could ever happen.

New York Post:

A group of Jewish students from CUNY’s City College were berated and told to “go back to Brooklyn” by anti-Israel protesters outside a kosher deli in Midtown South.

Moti Zilber, the owner of the Mr. Broadway Deli on West 38th Street, said the Jewish students were enjoying their meal Tuesday morning when the protesters descended upon the restaurant, blocking the entrance and shouting vulgarities at them.

“It was very scary,” Zilber told The Post. “It feels like we’re in Germany over here.”

“Back to Brooklyn, out the Middle East,” the protesters could be heard yelling, stereotyping the students while referencing the war in Gaza.

Yes, yes.

Get them out of Midtown. Send them back to Brooklyn.

Get them out of the financial district as well.

And out of Washington, DC.

Send them all to Brooklyn.

We will concentrate the Jews in Brooklyn.