Watchdog Accuses RFK Jr. of Voter Fraud for Casting Ballot from Wrong Address

See: RFK Named as Secretary of Health and Human Services!

This is ridiculous.

But I guess they’re going full-ridiculousness to attack RFK. They’ve eased up on Trump now, but RFK is a threat to everything democracy stands for, including vaccines, obesity, and the HIV-AIDS hoax.

The Guardian:

Robert F Kennedy Jr has been accused of committing voter fraud in November’s presidential election by casting his ballot from a New York address that a court had previously ruled was not his place of residence.

The complaint, filed by Accountable.US, a left-leaning watchdog group, could complicate Kennedy’s confirmation as Donald Trump’s nominee to be health and human services secretary, when he is expected to be subject to rigorous questioning at a Senate hearing.

 In a filing with the New York state board of elections, the watchdog calls for an investigation into Kennedy for “registering for and voting” from a state address at which he does not live.

“New York statute … provides that any person who ‘[k]nowingly gives a false residence within the election district when registering as an elector’ is guilty of a felony,” the complaint states.

It goes on to say that Kennedy voted by mail-in ballot from an address in Katonah, about 45 miles from New York City, which was at the centre of a state court ruling about his eligibility to appear on the New York ballot as a presidential candidate.

That referred to a ruling last August by a New York judge upholding a legal challenge from another watchdog group asserting that Kennedy had falsely listed the address as his residential home in order to gain ballot access.

Kennedy claimed he had rented a room at the address from a childhood friend. But his argument was undermined by testimony from the friend’s spouse that he had only ever spent one night there. The complaint alleged that Kennedy actually lives in California.

The New York ruling excluding Kennedy from the state ballot was later upheld by the US supreme court after the candidate lodged a series of appeals.

RFK is an Irish American hero, and anyone who disagrees with him has no place here.