What drives men to watch pornography is meant to result in acts of creation, but the energy is wasted engaging a glowing booby trap.
Abortion, contraceptive methods, masturbation, and sterile sexual acts are other forms of the same self-neutering act of taking the energy that was intended to bring forth something into the wold and offering it up as a sacrifice in an attempt to obtain an immediate feel-good experience.
Some of those acts are worse than others, but they are all part of the same spectrum and they’re all widely promoted and viewed as normal and valid choices in our hedonistic culture.
In this context, it should come as no surprise that porn tycoons are funding abortion clinics.
A controversial abortion charity has accepted millions of pounds of funding from a pornography tycoon, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
Marie Stopes International (MSI) has received more than £7.5million from sex-toy salesman Phil Harvey, prompting critics to accuse the charity of betraying its stated aim of ’empowering women and girls to take control of their futures’.
Phil Harvey has that John Kramer expression from the Saw films.
Mr Harvey’s business, Adam & Eve, was established as a mailorder firm in 1971 and it has become one of America’s leading suppliers of erotica, with £60million of adult film and sex-toy sales last year.
Adam & Eve gives away 25 per cent of its profits through Mr Harvey’s charitable foundation, DKT International.
According to accounts seen by this newspaper, this includes at least £7.5million in cash and supplies to MSI since 1995.
Mr Harvey, 82, is a trustee of MSI, but the charity makes barely any mention of him on its website.
London-based MSI, which arranged about five million abortions last year and received £48million of British foreign aid funding, was recently reprimanded by the Charity Commission after chief executive Simon Cooke had his pay doubled to £434,000.
The charity was established by British doctor Tim Black after he saved the Marie Stopes abortion clinic in London from bankruptcy.
He studied at University of North Carolina with Mr Harvey in the late 1960s and they went into business selling condoms through the post, which was illegal at the time.
Andrea Williams, chief executive of Christian Concern, which opposes abortions, said: ‘Serious questions need to be asked about why MSI, an organisation which says it is dedicated to empowering women, has received millions in funding from an industry that achieves the opposite.’
What kind of Christian says that abortion empowers women?
The kind of Christian that looks demonic.
But this woman is wrong about porn achieving the opposite of empowering women.
As the overwhelming majority of porn “actresses” would tell you, they do it because they feel it empowers them.
These porn performers are empowered by the monetary aspect of “working” on porn, but pornography in general empowers all women everywhere through the sexual exploitation of men.
Porn trains the male brain to focus on female enjoyment and to obtain pleasure by watching other men have sex with the women they’d want to have sex with. It takes the driving force that resulted in men seeking porn — the driving force that, in more civilized times, would be getting channeled through building, conquering, raping and pillaging — and neuters it.
Focusing on female enjoyment is seeking female approval, which is the opposite of the natural order. Women are below men. Your pleasure is supposed to come from conquering, doing, building, creating, and achieving, and not from watching others do the things that you want to do while you rot in a dark room.
It may be tempting, during this lockdown and economic collapse, to watch porn and “blow some steam.”
You’ll need all of your steam very soon.