WE DID IT: Tulsi Hit the Donation Mark! In the Debates! Jews on Suicide Watch!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 11, 2019

Good job, lads.

We got Tulsi in the debates.

I kind of didn’t really want to do the whole big push on this site and have her linked to us if she was going to make it without us (both because I don’t want the media attention and I doubt she wants to be considered a nazi candidate), but as it was clear she wasn’t going to make it without us, I figured it didn’t matter.

The media kikes are already ready taking note.

Get ready for maximum overload kvetching.

If anyone wants to get involved with a candidate’s campaign, join the Tulsi campaign. Or Yang.

In Tulsi’s campaign, you could talk about Jews starting all the wars, whereas in Yang’s campaign, you would be talking about how low-skilled immigrants are a nonsensical thing as we’re entering the age of robots.

Both of these candidates have issues that we care about, and that is what we need to start dealing with – issues, rather than candidates. The savior candidate thing failed totally with Trump, so now it’s time to go issue by issue, and just try to get any part of our agenda through that we can as the American system collapses around us.

As we saw with the White Nationalism hearing this week, basically our entire government is now run by Jews and brown people and the few whites that remain refuse to stand up for white interests beyond a timid defense fo the First Amendment. They are also openly attacking the Founding Fathers as evil racists.

They openly admitted that we are the inheritors of the legacy of the Founding Fathers. That we are the American people and that they are something alien that has come in and taken over our government to take our country from us.

So we have to start thinking of ourselves as a nation without a state.

We are operating within the national borders of our former nation-state, and the goal now is to work to create a new state by any means necessary.

This is going to involve politics, but not in the normal way of simply electing a leader to represent our interests. Our focus needs to be getting people to disconnect from the Zionist Occupation Government and embrace the reality that we are now prisoners of an international marketplace. We have to use the political system to rally people around the stateless nation of White America.

And infiltrating politics is the best way to get this done. Infiltrate everywhere and plant the seeds, get people on our side, move things forward.

We are on the cusp of an almost completely nonwhite government, and a majority nonwhite nation. But that also means that we are on the cusp of the large mass of people accepting the reality that our country has been stolen out from under us and that we now are a people without a state.

The boldness with which they are now attacking Thomas Jefferson and others of our Founding Fathers is going to make this relatively easy for most “conservative” types, especially when Trump is out and as the boomers die off. So focusing on getting to more liberal-type whites should be a priority.

I am going to work on fleshing out the idea of “people without a state” in simple meme terms.

Meanwhile, you all infiltrate these campaigns.

Be sly.

Don’t ever give yourself away as right wing.

You know all the talking points of the left, so acknowledge the various platitudes as you push specific targeted talking points.

In the future, we will only identify one another by our patriotic t-shirts.