Website Allows the People to Vote on the Best Book, Hitler Dominates

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 18, 2014

A website called was recently created in order to allow the people to answer a simple question:

What’s the one book that transformed your life forever?

Unsurprisingly, the people voted for the best book, which is Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler.

hitler book listhitler book list 1

Of course, the company that put up the site was unsatisfied with these results, and so shut the site down.

It now redirects to something called “Mind Valley Academy.”

But the people have spoken, and we have the screenshots to prove it.

Mein Kampf is objective or subjectively the most life-changing book, as it presents an entirely new way of looking at the modern world, a worldview that is not available elsewhere.

This book not only transformed my life, but in many ways, it saved it. I shutter to think where I would be if I had not found it when I did.

Heil Hitler!

May his spirit and those eternal words laid down in Mein Kampf continue to guide us.