What the Media Won’t Ever Ask About Antifa

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 7, 2017

When you type “antifa” into Google News at time of writing, here’s what happens:

A couple are still positive, but overwhelmingly, the stories are now negative.

If you turn on the TV, the coverage of the group is now negative.

We are mere days from when the entire media was celebrating them as heroes. I noted last Monday when WaPo did the first negative mainstream media story on the group. That appears to have been what signaled the shift.

Black Pigeon Speaks did a good video documenting the turn on a dime the media made, fitting it into the fact that the media is operating in unison (note the names when he rolls the CFR membership list – BP doesn’t bother to, because it would get him kicked off of YouTube).

Clearly, what happened was that the situation got out of control, and they were giving their own game away by supporting this terrorist operation.

So, now they are forced to distance themselves, largely to obfuscate the fact that they were supporting them as heroes. They are overcompensating, and it is sloppy, and the entire scene is likely to jog a few minds.

But what interests me in particular is the one question they are never going to ask: who is organizing this?

We have here a nationwide movement that is able to immediately organize a violent gang of masked me with bats to attack any group of people in any city in the country, very often with very little warning. Clearly, this requires a very great deal of structured, centralized organization – and a whole lot of money.

The attackers themselves appear to be mostly in their teens and early twenties. There is the odd weirdo in his thirties, sometimes a university professor.

The media understood that public opinion was turning against this terrorist group – and that is what it is, an organized terrorist group – and so they rushed in to set the narrative. The need to set a narrative clearly revolved around the need to prevent the organization question. In this way, though they are attacking the group, they are protecting them.

Given that it is the media itself – the ones with the resources to find out who is behind it – is protecting them, we won’t know definitively who is behind the organization and funding of this group until/unless there is some kind of real and serious federal investigation.

However, I have a strong feeling that the SPLC is directly linked. The SPLC has in fact hired at least one former member of the group, Matty O’Dea, and according to the man’s own Facebook posts, they hired him specifically because he was an active member of Antifa. He made it appear as though “attacking random people on the street to try and implement communism” was included in his résumé.

The SPLC certainly has the resources to fund such an operation. As Breitbart recently reported (and as we have been reporting for years), they have $300,000,000 stashed in off-shore accounts.

The SPLC has worked publicly with Daryle Lamont Jenkins, who is the head of “One People’s Project” and an organizer of Antifa groups.

Jenkins, an active supporter of violence against political dissidents in support of the reigning mainstream “anti-racist” dogma, was very recently celebrated by the media as a “resister” of the Alt-Right and Donald Trump.

Rachel Maddow had him on her program last year before the election to discuss how he “confronts” the Alt-Right.

He has yet to appear in the media narrative now that they have ostensibly turned against Antifa, presumably because it would be very easy to link him back to the suit and ties and money trail behind this terror group.

The SPLC is already under a whole lot of pressure. They are getting sued by a practicing Moslem that they put on their hate list because he is opposed to terrorism, they are getting sued by a Christian who was put on their hate list because he’s a Christian and they are getting sued by an anti-immigration group which claims that they violated their 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status by interfering with the election by attacking Trump (tax-exempt companies are not allowed to be involved in partisan politics). Both Breitbart, Tucker Carlson (and his Daily Caller) as well as various other mainstream right news outlets are outright calling the organization a scam and accusing it of money-laundering, while even the left is saying they are going too far and are out of control.

Here’s what happens when you Google News them:

A public link to violent street gangs could finish them off.

The fact that mainstream and even leftist groups are attacking them provides further evidence that they are in fact be directly linked to these Antifa groups, and that this could be on the verge of being exposed.

Furthermore, the SPLC itself has come out and condemned Antifa.

The only conceivable reason – at least the only reason I can conceive – that they would throw under the bus people that they have championed for years is that they are worried about being linked to them. That doesn’t necessarily mean that they are directly funding and organizing these groups – none of what I have said here necessarily means that – but it certainly indicates that it is a strong possibility.

Bottom line: any kind of law enforcement glance at this group would turn up a walk-in closet full of skeletons. They have operated for decades under the assumption that both the government and the media would always be on their side, whatever they did, and this has emboldened them to believe they could act with impunity.

Don’t Back Down

Regardless of why the media is now attacking Antifa, and regardless of the fact that they are not going to ask the most important question about who is funding them, the fact that they are attacking them is good for us.

What is best for us is more of these scenes of them attacking us.

People have been canceling events because they were threatened by Antifa.

Stop canceling events. This is insane. It makes us all look like cowards. Even if you’re just doing some little “free speech” rally, do not cancel it simply because you are going to be attacked. No one has even been killed yet by Antifa. Yes, people have been smashed in the skull with bike locks, they have been beaten with bats, they have been maced and had feces thrown on them – but no one ever said revolution was easy.

If someone told you that dethroning an entrenched, diabolical international system of authoritarian mind-control was going to be easy, I’m sorry, but you were lied to.

This battle has barely even begun, and people are canceling their events – I’m disgusted.

Let these people show who and what they are. If we march unopposed it is good, if we get attacked it is good. The only way we lose is by backing down.

Stand up and fight.

Furthermore, if some group or individual cancels an event because of threats, they should be attacked for doing so. Not literally, of course – but they should be shamed and mocked as cowards.

We need to push through with our events. We need these events weekly if not daily across the country. We have to show presence on the street.

That is very, very important.