Where were the National Protests Over the Police Killing of James Boyd?

Lee Rogers
Daily Slave
December 8, 2014


Earlier this year a White homeless man named James Boyd was confronted by Albuquerque police for unlawfully camping and eventually killed by police.  The entire shooting was caught on film and shows clearly that the man didn’t have to die.

This particular case of police brutality is obviously far worse than either the Michael Brown or Eric Garner incidents.  With the Michael Brown incident, a police officer was defending himself from a violent Negro.  With the Eric Garner incident it does not appear as if the police were intentionally trying to kill the man.

The James Boyd case only received local media coverage along with some mention on alternative news sites.  The reason for the subdued coverage is that the victim was a White man and not a Black man.  The national Jew run media is only interested in promoting cases in which the victim is Black and the alleged bad guy is White.  They have little to no interest in covering stories about Whites who have been victimized by Blacks, police or anyone else.

It is true that Boyd may have had a bit of a dubious past, but that doesn’t make him any different than Garner.  Apparently Black lives matter and White lives don’t according to these Jewish Marxist scumbags and Negro race agitators.

I thought it was important to revisit this story to show that Black people aren’t the only ones who have been victims of police brutality despite their attempts to say otherwise.

Below is a news clip detailing the James Boyd killing which took place earlier this year.