White Family Left Living in Fear After Attack from Entire Tribe of Black Savages

March 27, 2014

The mother led 8 Black juveniles into the house to swarm the place and she even joined in the attack herself.

A Memphis mother is out on bond, accused of helping her teen daughter beat up a 15-year-old girl.

Police say Angela Thomas led a whole group of teenagers to the 15-year-old’s house and even joined in on the attack, which also hurt the girl’s father.

The Crane family, who lives in the Berclair neighborhood, says they are living in fear of not knowing what could happen next after being attacked by eight teenage girls and a mother.

Billy Crane’s 15-year-old daughter has a black eye and a busted lip.

“The mother runs up and is cussing me in my face and at the time, the little kids just ran around and up in the house,” said Crane. “I was stunned. I was like what? In my house? Then the mama followed in behind them.”

Police say Thomas joined in on the beating of the 15-year-old.

Billy says he struggled to get her and the rest of girls out of his house.

Angela Thomas has been arrested for helping her daughter beat up the young White girl.

“I got scratches all over my neck and back.”

Billy says after the girls beat up his daughter, they came outside and one of them grabbed a brick and threw it at him.

“I saw it out it of the corner of my eye, a brick coming and just tried to dodge it.”

The brick hit him in the arm, leaving a yellowing bruise.

Billy says this violence Thursday evening came after weeks of his daughter being bullied at Kingsbury High School.

He’s even reported Thomas’s daughter to police for the torment, but Billy says nothing was done.

Now his 15-year-old is sleeping in the middle of the house, away from windows, because he is afraid bullets will be next.

”When they were leaving, they were saying they were going to shoot the house up, so now I am worried about that. How do you protect your kids against getting shot?”

Thomas got out of jail Sunday by paying a $15,000 bond.

Police haven’t said whether any of the juveniles were arrested for the attack.

Kingsbury administrators say they had no reports of the bullying, but plan to look into it.

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