White Man March Chased Out of Liverpool by Cops and Commies

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 18, 2015

National Action
National Action

The Daily Stormer was unfortunately under sustained attack by the Jew system during the White Man March, so we didn’t get a chance to cover it as we would have liked.

Needless to say, the cops and the commies got together against the Whites. Eventually, the whole thing was shut down.

Pulling out all the stops: If you are against Pakis gang-raping tens of thousands of little girls, antifa will through full McDonald's cups of Sprite in your direction.
Pulling out all the stops: If you are against Pakis gang-raping tens of thousands of little girls, antifa will through full McDonald’s cups of Sprite in your direction.

Because that’s what antifa does: the silence people who disagree with the government, the cops and/or the Jews.

It is so radical, bro.

Hang loose.

I wonder what these reds think, as they are standing side-by-side with the cops trying to silence the speech of persecuted political dissidents?

Didn’t the left used to claim to stand up for the oppressed? To believe in the rights for individuals to freely express themselves? Wasn’t that, in fact, what they claimed was the core of their ideology?

"I might believe exactly everything the government tells be to believe, down to the letter, but, you know, at least I dress really radical."
“I might believe exactly everything the government tells be to believe, down to the letter, but, you know, at least I dress really radical.”
Not a single one of these faggots would dare take on a single one of ours one on one - not physically, not in a debate.
Not a single one of these faggots would dare take on a single one of ours one on one – not physically, not in a debate.
Oh, we're gonna get in the sea alright... maybe you should have thought that slogan through a bit more, eh?
Oh, we’re gonna get in the sea alright… maybe you should have thought that slogan through a bit more, eh?
"We're here to make sure little girls continue to be raped wholesale by Pakis - and we'll smash the heads of anyone who tries to save them!"
“We’re here to make sure little girls continue to be raped wholesale by Pakis – and we’ll smash the heads of anyone who tries to save them!”
"What do we want? Children drugged and gang-raped! When do we want it? Forever and ever and ever!"
“What do we want? Children drugged and gang-raped! When do we want it? Forever and ever and ever!”

But now they stand next to the cops, physically attacking and attempting to silence anyone who dares question the establishment.

I wonder if they ever reflect on any of this?

It seems like at some point, even with the low IQs, they would have to just be like “wow, this is so gay.”

Editor’s Note: We here at the Daily Stormer always happy to publish any accounts from people on the ground at these events, as well as to publicize any upcoming events. Let us know.