Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 19, 2015

So they are blaming “White nationalism” for an apparently drug related shooting spree, apparently.
In another deadly shooting spree, this time in Mesa, Arizona, one person is dead and five others have been wounded in multiple locations. After an extensive manhunt, a man with purported ties to white nationalist groups was arrested by law enforcement. After being hit with a stun gun, he was taken away from the scene in a white biological hazard suit.
The Arizona Republic reported that anonymous police sources identified Ryan Eliot Giroux, 41, as the suspect in the shooting.
Giroux has multiple face and neck tattoos, including eyebrow ink that reads “Skin Head” and an “88” on his left temple. The number is a code used for the Nazi salute “heil Hitler.” Retired Mesa Police Detective Matt Browning told the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch blog that he was familiar with Giroux. Browning identified Giroux as a member of the Hammerskin Nation. Browning also noted that Giroux was also affiliated with the white supremacist prison gang, the Aryan Brotherhood.
In 2013, Giroux was released from prison after serving more than six years for attempted aggravated assault, according to records from the Arizona Department of Corrections. He had served two prior prison terms on burglary and marijuana charges.
Let’s just put this in context. White prison gangs are not the same thing as White nationalist groups. What happens in prison is that races have to be segregated – this is just human nature – so the Whites group together and form prison gangs which identify as White. As such, they use similar symbols to what normal WN groups use, but when they get out of prison, they mainly focus on drug trafficking – crystal meth in particular.

It must be said that simply because the Aryan Nations-type prison gangs are not the same thing as pro-White activism, this doesn’t mean there isn’t any overlap between the two. Lots of guys get out of prison and do desire to be involved in real activism, maybe of them joining skinhead groups which are not focused on drug dealing. But one trick the media has played is equating White Nationalists to members of prison gangs, even though the majority of people in WN circles have never been in prison gangs and the majority of people in prison gangs have never been involved in more serious activism. The fact that there is some cross-over area does not mean they are the same thing.