Who Doxed Millennial Woes? Looks Like Antifa Liam Turbett Fed the Info to Journalist Alan McEwen

Geoff L. Tavish
Daily Stormer
January 12, 2017

This week, popular Alt-Right YouTuber Millennial Woes was doxed by Antifa through a site called athousandflowers.net, and a news reporter went to his father’s house where he lives and knocked on his door. His address and real name were printed in multiple tabloids. He has since fled the UK.

All week, the Internet buzzed with speculation over the doxing of Millennial Woes: Why was the mainstream media so quick to snap up the story, reprinting it from an ANTIFA blog? Who owns the site athousandflowers.net? How did they find out who Millennial Woes is, and where he lives? Millennial Woes is a decent guy who doesn’t deserve to be bullied by the MSM, or their ANTIFA minions. Turnabout being fair play, we decided the consult “The Internet” for speculation on the matter.

The anonymous hordes do their own brand of research at times like these, and come up with idiosyncratic answers. Sometimes this speculation amounts to crackpot nonsense; other times it’s frighteningly plausible – this is one of those times. Just to reiterate: the content of the article is pure speculation, attributable to places like the Politically Incorrect (/pol/) boards of 8chan and 4chan. So what does /pol/ say about all this?



According to /pol/, athousandflowers.net is run by 27-year-old Scottish Socialist Party member Liam Turbett. This is based on Turbett’s name in WHOIS records listing him as the registered owner of the domain when the site was created. Someone made that registration anonymous with WhoisGuard services after the fact, but his name is still in WHOIS records from years ago. If Liam tried to hide this, his efforts were too little, too late:

Registrar URL: http://www.wildwestdomains.com
Registrant Name: Liam Turbett
Registrant Organization:
DNSSEC: unsigned



Doxing is common on ANTIFA sites like athousandlfowers.net, which seem to exist for no purpose than to anonymously stalk and disrupt the lives of the Left’s political enemies. The likelihood that Turbett still runs athousandflowers.net is high: Turbett’s a well-known figure in Glasgow’s Leftist scene, with a pattern of harassing behavior and clashes with authorities. He was a candidate for the 2012 Glasgow City Council race, and leader of the SSP Youth in 2009.

Glasgow election 2012 Source:


2012 election results:


SSP Youth involvement 2009 Source:


His prose in support of Far-Left causes is prolific; a Google search of “by Liam Turbett” turns up 559 results, the majority of which were the same ANTIFA Liam Turbett from Glasgow. Turbett has worked feverishly to assault and stalk BNP, SDL, and other nationalist groups’ members for nearly a decade. His antics have appeared in numerous videos, articles, and photos online:

Liam Turbett’s ANTIFA activities:

In 2010, Turbett was arrested and charged for this gang assault on some elderly gentlemen protesting to have the troops brought home.



Video of the assault:

(@1:01 into the video)

He also had a scuffle with police in 2011:



Again in 2013 he was arrested for a disruption:



Here he is stalking members of the SDL at a rally: that’s him with the camera, ducking to hide when the other side starts filming him.

Video of Liam being a stalker:

(@4:12 into the video)

Interestingly, Turbett’s writing appears in the Daily Record as recently as March 2016, the same rag who republished athousandflowers.net’s dox of Millennial Woes in a hit-piece by Alan McEwen. Turbett’s work for them was similar: a hit-piece on nationalists, including names and personal information meant to “out” them to the widest audience imaginable. Judging by it’s track record of hiring scum like Liam and Alan, the Daily Record likes to dox people, albiet with a more polished prosaic tone.



The Internet also speculates that Alan McEwen – who re-packed Liam’s vile labors for a mass audience – also has a family, sons (one is a barrister doing rather well), and grandchildren. Like Woes, the Internet believes that McEwen also has a home where his loved ones feel safe in their expectations of privacy, with a mossy roof, a white garage, and a gravel “lawn.” Very picturesque, these bourgie Edinburgh cul-de-sacs harboring the dead-ends of journalistic integrity.





Katy Ross appears to be Alan’s partner in FB photos.



Katy Ross’ address from her business license.



We saw that Alen McEwen (@alanmcewen_rec) is followed by Katy Ross (@misskatyross) on Twitter (but Katy made her Twitter private before we could screencap this)

Alan McEwen is mentioned as “Journalist of the Year” by retweets on Katy’s Twitter.



Julie McEwen (Alan’s daughter-in-law) follows and is followed by Alan McEwen and Katy Ross.



Alan McEwen appears on Katy Ross’ facebook.



Greg and Julie McEwen are friends on Facebook with Katy Ross.



The Internet speculates that all this didn’t stop Alan from playing megaphone to a violent criminal thug, amplifying his work to stalk, defame, and harass a peaceful man over opinions on a YouTube channel. The Internet tells me they’re fairly certain he got paid to ruin a peaceful man’s life, and probably sleeps fine at night regardless. The Internet speculates that the Daily Record only hires the best of humanity, and only publishes the most impeccably moral hit-pieces they can find.

A thousand flowers likes to talk to the Daily Record about its research on Woes.



I digress, back to Liam Turbett and his (hypothetical) network of anti-social justice. Somehow, this wholesome fellow is deemed fit to work at a respectable “social analysis” firm in Glasgow called EKOS. He appears to be some kind of intern, listed as a “research associate” for surveys and whatnot; it stands to reason he might have access to commercial and public databases of residents in the Glasgow area. In his tenure at EKOS, he’s written at least one report for a business council in the area. Quite ironic for an anti-capitalist ANTIFA to write reports on improving capitalism for-profit, but EKOS seems to operate on public funding by-and-large. In that respect, it’s not entirely against Turbett’s Marxist principles:

Liam’s profile on EKOS website:


EKOS Office location:


What EKOS does isn’t entirely clear either: they receive contracts from local governments and townships to analyze the social impact of business, archaeological excavations, festivals, bridge construction projects, and the like. Liam’s father, Colin Turbett (also a minor celebrity in Glasgow’s Leftist political scene) is speculated to have had past dealings with EKOS.

Colin Turbett and his wife:

Turbett speaking on the Service Tax:

The Internet speculates that this was how Liam might have got his job there; being the obnoxious cretin he is, he would need nepotism to be gainfully employed with an arrest record. You can certainly contact his bosses at EKOS, and ask them to speculate; their information is public, and I’m sure they’d welcome inquiry as to why they employ stalkers and thugs.

Analysis written by Liam Turbett for Scotland’s Towns Partnership:


How does the Internet know that Colin Turbett is Liam’s father? Well, some anons decided to call him to confirm their speculation on the matter. The result is pretty entertaining.

Prank Call to Colin Turbett from Argentina:

That number: 01770 860 427 (start with 01144 from the US)

The Internet’s speculation about Turbett is also fueled by the opinion that Turbett’s friends and cohorts. Sarah Higgins appears to be associated with the account named ‘Tarzan_Girl’ on athousandflowers.net . Here she is in a post on Liam’s timeline.



And here she is Tweeting that she writes for athousandflowers.net (@unsavourycabal).



Here she is re-tweeting the dox of Millennial Woes, and endorsing it.


Sarah Higgins seems to be employed at a Rape Crisis hotline by ALLIANCE Scotland. It’s not obvious what she does other than “be an SJW,” but you can contact her boss for further inquiries.

Phone: 0141 404 0231 (start with 01144 from the US)



Other contributors to athousandflowers.net include Jonathan Macpherson (aka “Juan Mac” on athousandflowers.net) and Ashley Andrews (aka “Andy Ashe”). Juan Mac’s taste in Facebook banner photos is impeccable.

Juan Mac:


Andy Ashe:


So what can we conclude from The Internet’s fertile speculation about the doxing of Millennial Woes? Very little, except that the degrees of separation between the violent criminals on the Left, and the gentile “respectable press” are few. For all their hard work to endanger the lives and family of their political enemies, their efforts only worked to shine light on their own networks. In that respect, Turbett and McEwen are sorts of comedic heroes to the Right.

Keep scoring goals against your own team gentlemen: the Internet never forgets.