The Frightening Issue of Racism Among Dogs

John Chrysostomos
Daily Stormer
April 3, 2018

Have you ever noticed that black people seem to really dislike dogs? Believe it or not, the feeling is mutual. In the US for example…

Psychology Today:

Large racial and ethnic differences exist in pet ownership. Whites were about 3 times more likely to own a dog and nearly 5 times more likely to own a cat when compared to non-whites. In contrast, black respondents were half as likely to own a dog and less than a third as likely to own a cat as other respondents. The pet ownership patterns of Hispanic and Asian respondents were similar to that of black respondents.

Why wouldn’t blacks own dogs at the same rate as whites? It could be for a number of factors – economic, lack of empathy – or maybe even a colorblind dog can spot how inhuman negroes are when he sees one (and not just by smell).

Dogs view blacks as alien because dogs evolved with us; we domesticated them the same way we domesticated livestock, horses and (partially) cats.


Dogs most probably evolved from wolves at a single location about 20,000 to 40,000 years ago, a study suggests.

Previously, it had been thought that dogs were tamed from two populations of wolves living thousands of miles apart.

Researchers studied DNA from three dogs found at archaeological sites in Germany and Ireland that were between 4,700 and 7,000 years old.

The ancient canines share ancestry with modern European dogs.

By looking at the rates of change to the DNA from the oldest specimen, scientists were able to place the timing of the domestication of dogs to between 20,000 and 40,000 years ago.

Dogs, being animals, can’t be conditioned by propaganda into believing everyone is equal. Their natural instincts predominate unless someone takes the time out to train them into loving blacks.

This, of course, doesn’t stop blacks from concocting all sorts of silly theories about why dogs don’t like them.

Huffington Post:

HuffPost Live on Friday hosted a discussion about how some dogs seem to show bias against people with darker skin, an idea explored in popular culture for years, including in the 1982 movie “White Dog,” and more recently, in an episode of “Curb You Enthusiasm”and a “Key and Peele” sketch.

The general consensus is that it’s because the dog wasn’t properly socialized as a puppy, and wasn’t exposed to people of all races and ethnicities — or that the dog was abused by someone who “looked” a certain way.

There are certain breeds of dogs that I’ve noticed don’t see well at night, and react poorly to people with darker skin (day or night). I believe that with these dogs, there must be some vision problem, and if a person has slightly darker skin, it can seem as though they appear out of nowhere.

No, actually, dogs can see very well at night, even the “certain breeds of dogs” that the writer noticed can see better than a human. Blacks aren’t made of liquid metal like the T-1000 either. A dog can discern their movements and, again, definitely pick up on their scent.

The image on the right is how a dog would see a black person

Dogs aren’t facial recognition software.

Dog racism is a difficult question for the liberals to address.

So generally, they don’t bother to address it at all.