Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 22, 2015

So I hadn’t seen this Daily Show Black at all really, but I wanted to see what he had to say about #BoycottStarWarsVII.
I am shocked at how unfunny this guy is. This is horrible. And he talks like a Paki.
Have you guys seen this? This was a major show. The flagship show of the entire Comedy Central network. And they replaced him with a guy who was clearly destined for failure, simply to fill a diversity quota? Or did they actually think that people would watch a weird Black guy who talks like a Paki because he’s diverse?
These jokes. Are Pakis writing them?
He talks about JJ Abrams’ Tweet in respond to Star Wars racists –
#TheForceAwakens #MNF
— Bad Robot (@bad_robot) October 20, 2015
And makes a “joke” about how when you use Twitter you aren’t supposed to take pictures of handwritten statements, you’re supposed to type into Twitter.
Well, you stupid Black bastard, that is more than 140 characters. And it is standard practice to post an image with text when you want to post a message on Twitter more than the allowed number of characters. How do you not know that? How does your writing staff not know that?
Or did you make that joke up on the fly?
Then the dumb Black starts talking about how people complained when the Human Torch was Black in the last Fantastic Four movie, and he calls him “the flame.”
This was followed by a joke about MJ and Richard Pryor setting themselves on fire, which I guess could have been funny, but it was delivered so poorly.
Most of the jokes were about “wow I don’t even know anything about America, because I’m from South Africa.” This is not humorous.
And look, I’m not even coming at this from like “meh, I hate all Blacks, I hate this guy because he’s Black.” I’m not that type of racist. I know there are funny Blacks. Humor is one of the few things Blacks are good at. But this guy – what is the deal?