Wild Edibles – Cattail Stalks

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
August 28, 2017

When it comes to foraging, it’s better to know about 4-6 really common and easy to identify plants than 100 more uncommon or more difficult to identify plants. Of course you can and maybe should learn the more exotic ones, but do not make them a priority.

A list of plants that I would recommend knowing are dandelions, red and white clovers (technically two plants but whatever), plantain (not the banana, the weed), any evergreen tree that can make tea, marsh marigolds, and, of course, cattail. All of these plants are available for most of the year, are common, and tend to grow in large amounts near each other.

Depending on where you live, you may want to change that list or learn more plants that are available in the winter, however these plants are pretty common in most places.