Wisconsin: School District Does Weeklong Tranny Indoctrination for Elementary School Students


You all see what’s going on here: they are trying to make as many kids into trannies as possible.

If they had their way, all the kids would be trannies.

They want to inject them with hormones and mutilate their bodies to ensure they can’t reproduce.

Because that will change the weather.

Daily Caller:

A Wisconsin school district is putting elementary school students through a weeklong gender identity and sexual orientation lesson created by LGBT activists, according to an email obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) is spending a week to teach students the difference between gender identity, sex assigned at birth and sexual orientation as a part of their “Health and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Lessons,” according to an email obtained by the DCNF. The school district’s focus is “Welcoming Schools,” an LGBTQ training and school program created by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation (HRCF).

Video from this NGO’s channel

“The goal is for students to understand the difference between gender, sexual orientation and sex assigned at birth,” the email stated. “Students are NOT being asked to share their specific identities for each of these components, rather just acknowledging that they exist and are different and how to show respect for all identities.”

HRCF is an organization that focuses on ending LGBTQ discrimination, according to the group website. The organization’s “Welcoming Schools” project focuses on creating “gender inclusive schools” through lessons and professional development training programs.

The lessons will include “read-alouds” and “classroom discussions” surrounding gender identity, sex assigned at birth and sexual orientation, the email said. The week concludes with a “rainbow day.”

Throughout the week, students will not be asked to share their gender identity or sexual orientation, the email stated. Families are encouraged to watch an introduction video to understand what the school district is teaching and why.

The introduction video described gender identity, sexual orientation and sex assigned at birth using a “gender snowperson” in order to be inclusive. The “gender snowperson” showed that gender identity comes from the brain and is “who you know you are” while sexual orientation comes from the heart and is “who you know you love.”

Sex, gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation can all be seen as a “continuum” or a spectrum, according to the video. Kindergarten through third grade students learn sexual orientation by discussing “who they love” and that “anyone can love anyone” while fourth and fifth graders define gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual and asexual, the video stated.

This is out of control.

It has escalated so very quickly.

How is no one doing anything??

Also in Wisconsin