Wisconsin: Two Female Teachers Try to Organize Orgy with School Boys

Alexsia Saldaris

Jennifer Larson

Women regularly lug around their fat friend to make them look better by comparison.

Though I’ve never heard of them lugging the lard tub to an orgy before.

New York Post:

Two high school business teachers in Wisconsin were forced to resign after district officials found out they’d been trying to seduce one of their students by offering him a foursome — with one of the pervy pair even sending scantily-clad photos to his Snapchat account.

Alexsia Saldaris, a first-year teacher, and Jennifer Larson, an 11-year veteran, left their jobs in April after an investigation by officials at Joseph Craig High School in Janesville unearthed the racy messages, according to WMTV 15 in Madison.

Both allegedly admitted to inappropriately Snapchatting the unidentified male student, who’s age has not been released — with Saldaris acknowledging she’d sent the risqué pictures and Larson admitting she’d sent messages about “cuddling, flirting, and the implication of alcohol.”

Much of the scandal revolves around a school trip that lasted from April 7 to 9 — which is when the district says both teachers sent the student messages saying they wanted to cuddle and “have fun” with him.

Worse, they asked if another student might join, according to the network, which secured a summary of the district’s investigation.

Well, I can tell you: their ages were 18, or these women would be going to prison.

Because America is a democracy.

In democracies, schoolteachers instruct five-year-olds on how to have gay sex. But if they have heterosexual sex with a 17-year-old boy, they go to prison forever.

In terms of the ongoing investigation into whether or not this always happened or whether it is a new phenomenon, we have no new information. But yet again, they only got caught because they created a digital record.

I am definitely leaning towards “this always happens whenever you have men and women mixing; women are just so stupid they don’t understand the implications of putting this stuff in text messages, and if you want this to not happen, you have to run your society like the Taliban.”