Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
June 16, 2014

In Brazil, a new law has been passed that legally requires 20% of the public sector jobs to be for Black people
The president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, passed the law because she believes it will stop “racial discrimination“.
“This is a victory against racial discrimination achieved through the implementation of government policies” she said.
“From now on, 20 percent of the federal executive vacancies are reserved for blacks“.
She expected this law to serve as an example for the adoption of similar measures in the rest of government, companies and private organizations.
The law has been debated by politicians since March 2013, but it was been passed by the Senate last week after pressure from the Brazilian government.
Minister for Racial Equality, Luiza Bairros, supports this law on the grounds that it is necessary to make people equal.
Official statistics show that the non-White population is around 52% of the Brazilian population. Brazil was the first country of this century to become minority White after the 2010 census reported that 48% described themselves as “White”.
The anti-Whites in Brazil are just being very silly – if you fight fire with fire, you just end up with a bigger fire.
This is very good for us because people wake up much quicker when they see their governments punish White people for achieving more than non-White groups in the workplace.
Affirmative action laws in the US, Canada and Europe have also helped White people to wake up.
Massive non-White immigration and forced “diversity” for White areas has been the main goal of anti-Whites, and the more they push this, the more White people will wake up.
This combination of policies results in us becoming a minority in many majority White countries. It is in fact a systematic program of genocide, because this is deliberately being doing to us.